How'd it go today?

Somebody thinks their new 462 is going to beat my 395XP. We shall see.

View attachment 104721
Apples to apples there is no way a stock 462c will beat a stock 395xp with 20-25” bars ... longer bars favor the 395xp obviously ... Now , apples to apples my 462c WILL whoop up on a stock 395xp with 20-25” bars whilst being considerably lighter and using far less fuel ... In fact my 462c build is only a fuzz behind a ported 395xp! (that 395xp is about 20% quicker than a stocker but will pull/oil a 42” b/c - more of an f550 build than a racer) ... ... stock vs stock (about 10% for the 395xp) courtesy our friends from Hungary...
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Big change there Jim. I'm hoping for snow this year, but it isn't promising. Every year gets hotter...