How'd it go today?

"selling" watches is still frowned upon... even though people still do it. I hated Manning the rails myself...

Except for Pearl Harbor. Always got tears in my eyes when we came to attention while passing the USS Arizona memorial.

Ha,manning the rails on a nuke sub consisted of the conning officer,the old man and the topside look out.I only did it once,in dungarees and a foul weather jacket,with a watch cap too boot.As it was,I was working on the surface search radar mast when the Big E passed , outbound.Lawdy that flattop is a bigun when you're on a uboat looking up.:O
a fun day for me. pruned a couple japanese maples, then a big old neglected apple tree, then an old cherry tree, need to go back there and get the other one in a couple days. oh, and the wind, blowing trees down around us. :D
I sat online today trying to decide which Florida condo to hold our annual A.G.M. at.
I had only one class this morning, so afterwards, I came home, worked on homework, called some steel places for estimates, did some laundry and that was it. :)
You got the life of Ryan! :P

Tomorrow, I have 3 classes. TIG Welding = more Tungsten Grinding, Public Speaking and History 2 = more nose to the grindstone, so to speak. I start at 9:30 AM, and end at 4:30.

Thursday, the same electronics class, measure for some custom seat bracket/mount for my truck,take pictures, call my steel order in, pick it, take pictures, christen new helmet filter by welding, take more pictures, and finally, post said pictures

Friday, finish the mount, grind, prime, and paint the mount, photograph, go back to the shop, bolt the seat and bracket in, photograph seat and mount installed, and do what ever else I need to do. and finally post pictures of the finished work.
That's some impeccable pruning work there, Paul. You certainly appear to take a lot of pride in your work. It looks fantastic!
That's some impeccable pruning work there, Paul. You certainly appear to take a lot of pride in your work. It looks fantastic!

I passed right over it! Not used to seeing those smaller trees.

Great job, laddie! :D
Scheduled two jobs today. Helper did not show, too drunk from father's party the night before.
Dont blame him, he has been working like a rented mule the past month and his dad is only here for three days visiting.

So cancelled the second job and did the first by myself.

Felt good. Groundies do ALOT of work, I had forgotten.
Cut, climb down, clear brush from tight area, climb back up, cut, climb back down, clear piled brush and drag over to chipper-
You all get the idea. If I keep this up, I'll get in shape again!
Scheduled two jobs today. Helper did not show, too drunk from father's party the night before.
Dont blame him, he has been working like a rented mule the past month and his dad is only here for three days visiting.

So cancelled the second job and did the first by myself.

Felt good. Groundies do ALOT of work, I had forgotten.
Cut, climb down, clear brush from tight area, climb back up, cut, climb back down, clear piled brush and drag over to chipper-
You all get the idea. If I keep this up, I'll get in shape again!
You keep that up & you can come be my groundie:D