Just rescued a baby robin from Spot. Heard a bunch of birds carrying on outside, look outside, and Spot's on top of a bird. It's wet and rainy, and I just have socks on. Debate a second on getting my shoes, and just go out in my socks. Tried putting the bird in a tree, but it was either damaged(it had a little blood on it's back) or just uncooperative. I messed with it a little bit, and Spot was hanging close. Put the bird on my bench out back so I could keep an eye on it, and it moved too much getting Spot's attention again. Chased Spot off good this time, and the bird got away from me. It's on the ground out back somewhere, but I didn't want to look too hard and draw attention. Turned off the music so I can hear what the birds are doing, and hopefully the baby will have time to get in a more protected place. It was fairly big, but still expected food from me when I touched it, and couldn't fly well.