How'd it go today?

Just rescued a baby robin from Spot. Heard a bunch of birds carrying on outside, look outside, and Spot's on top of a bird. It's wet and rainy, and I just have socks on. Debate a second on getting my shoes, and just go out in my socks. Tried putting the bird in a tree, but it was either damaged(it had a little blood on it's back) or just uncooperative. I messed with it a little bit, and Spot was hanging close. Put the bird on my bench out back so I could keep an eye on it, and it moved too much getting Spot's attention again. Chased Spot off good this time, and the bird got away from me. It's on the ground out back somewhere, but I didn't want to look too hard and draw attention. Turned off the music so I can hear what the birds are doing, and hopefully the baby will have time to get in a more protected place. It was fairly big, but still expected food from me when I touched it, and couldn't fly well.
Ol' Creepy's been evicted! \o/

Went into my room to see if I could find her, and she was on the back of my pillow again(cause where else would she be?!). I slid the bed out so I could get the can under her, and that got her to scoot up on the bed. Put the can in front of her, and she ran inside. She's now outside, and I don't have to wonder where the spider is while I try to go to sleep.
Like many on here, I will wear a mask in shops if it’s mandatory, no big deal really.

One thing I’m curious about though.
If the wearing of masks is a big plan by tptb to control us, then the fact it makes facial recognition technology redundant doesn’t really follow the narrative of them controlling our every move.
Actually no @Mick! , the new algorithms have achieved 95%+ recognition with masks donned ... Your only hope now is to paint your face brown to throw off the software ! Facial recognition adapts to a mask-wearing public -- GCN -
Had a good day. Went to a lake with the family. My cousin brought her kayaks and a SUP board. We all swam and my two daughters did great with the kayaks. The oldest was a natural on the board as well. Came home and enjoyed dinner. I even took a short nap after. Starting to feel a bit of pain from the sun as I’m waiting on the kids to go to bed.
Ran the mystery rodent (turned out to be a bushy tailed wood rat, AKA packrat) out from his occupancy between the driver side wheel well liner and the front fender with high pressure water from the garden hose. He'd given away his position by rustles and stinks :D.

Now the damn thing has taken up housing in one of my wood sheds near where the water cannon battle occurred :). Better than in the car, but still not a win on my side yet. Traps moved into new position.

Air rifle also ready for deployment. Should have done that ahead of the water cannon battle...I'd have had his ass if I'd been smart enough to do that:|: .
Did three estimates, played with the new kitten. Then went and helped a friend snake his clogged septic line. Nasty thing i ended up reaching down into the clean out to pull out the wad of nasty i hooked. Washed off and went fishing to chill before heading home. 100 F today. Glorious.
New to me crank on the 088. New gasket, bearings and seals. Struggled a bit to get it together. Lost a small spring and e-clip, took a while, but found them. Ready to fire up, if I had a new pull cord.
I still have to wait for the bar oil pump spur gear, the arm spins freely on it. May be that was my oiling problem?
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I had a parakeet years ago. He was a little asshole. I'd put my hand in the cage to feed him, and he'd jump on top of my hand and bite it. That shit hurts!
I got two spools of Stens. One for my little saws, and another for the big. I kinda guessed on the sizes. My small cord /just/ fits my 2511, so I'm good to go there. Haven't tried the big cord yet. It was ~$24 for the pair, 200'. Hard to beat.
Yo I am beat down to the ground. Took out 2 huge sugar maples with the 55t, it went real smooth but one of the trunks needed my 42" bar to buck it small enough to be picked by the log truck. I haven't used that bar in like 2-3 years, thank god. Its such a pita and if it gets the teeny tiniest bit even sorta thinking about being less than perfectly sharp, you basically can't cut with it. Treework is a lotta work.
Sounds like a power head size or depth gauge problem to me. I hit metal twice when using a 42". It had so many teeth that they all didn't get destroyed, and I could keep cutting after using a little saw to cut through the metal.

Sugar maple might be the other problem. Maples seem to dull chains super fast toward the bottom of the trunk.
Husky 395. Haven't put on my glasses and looked at the chain yet tonight but I will, it's gotta be back in gear for a couple large bucking cuts tomorrow at 7.15.

But on that subject, something I've observed is, the longer bar, the more sensitive it is to any lack of perfect sharpness. 24" bars maybe not too too sensitive but the 28" bar/chain has to be nearly perfect to do much of anything with. And the 42"?? Fugetaboutit.

Anyone else?