How'd it go today?

Looks like Necrosis going in there. Brown Recluse? A friend got bitten in the finger and had part of his finger removed.

I saw a doco once that had a woman bitten in her finger. They removed her finger and then weeks later it started to die again. They removed the finger next knuckle. Again weeks later started to die again, they removed the hand at the wrist... necrosis started in the forearm.

it was pretty experimental but IIRC they only way they found to stop necrosis setting in was to blast herself in the forearm with a cattle prod 5 + times a day.
The worst part is one of the damned apprentices keeps putting the Halloween plastic spiders in everything i own once he heard I'm not a fan.... payback is gonna glorious....

Kyle....I think that really means he heard you squeal like a little girl when you were down there.... :D Their harassment will be relentless!! Suck it up, Sally.

I had a big strong buddy in high school, one of the strongest guys I have known....nobody messed with Ricky. We went water skiing and he was a marginal swimmer. He was behind the boat in the water doing something and a water spider skittered by him...lordy...he went apoplectic...hilarious. Until I realized he was probably going to drown. I had to jump in and pull his ass back to the boat.

But he reciprocated a few years later and got me out of a bad spot in an underwater poor swimmer buddy learned to swim well enough (I taught him) to get scuba certified and later save my bacon...Karma!
Dr. doesn’t think it was a Recluse or Widow due to my breathing is normal. He has me on 3 different antibiotics, they’re a lot of fun.
To be clear, THEY WERE ON ME!!!!!!!!!!!! If a man has got to squeal a man's gonna squeal lol. I'm not too proud :lol: Also keep in mind that it's complete darkness down there, except for my headlamp. And i really don't like spiders. And they were big, and running around, i didn't see them at first, and some were on me. I don't think i squealed, but after stomping a few and then having to crawl out (you can't even duck walk down there) i was kinda over the whole thing :lol:
I learned something today.
When you have no feeling in your fingers, don't use that hand to wipe the crap off the scythe blade before sharpening it.

We walked up to the truck to eat, then I noticed the blood on my hand and arm, lots of blood.
Turned out I had cut the tip of the forefinger on the glove clean off.
Fortunately I had "only" made a deep cut in the finger itself.

But, I had managed to scythe a whole row without noticing it, since I couldn't feel it.
If we hadn't gone to eat I would have kept going till I bled out.

My life is really weird right now!
At first thought, being pain free sounds pretty cool, but it can be a real problem. I think people with global neurological issues tend to die earlier cause they don't have a pain warning.
Didn't do much today. Located some drywells, and staked a swale. Work's been slow. I *really* wish it were cool out so I could make the most of my slack time. There's a bunch of stuff I /could/ do, but it's too hot. Hard to get motivated for optional work when it's 90° and 90% humidity...
I learned something today.
When you have no feeling in your fingers, don't use that hand to wipe the crap off the scythe blade before sharpening it.

We walked up to the truck to eat, then I noticed the blood on my hand and arm, lots of blood.
Turned out I had cut the tip of the forefinger on the glove clean off.
Fortunately I had "only" made a deep cut in the finger itself.

But, I had managed to scythe a whole row without noticing it, since I couldn't feel it.
If we hadn't gone to eat I would have kept going till I bled out.

My life is really weird right now!
Wear a metal mesh glove for shark handling. Or get a gig where you get paid to let bullet ants and murder hornets bite and sting those fingers.
My cats appreciated a spider some time last night. I found its mangled corpse on the floor this morning. It was the same kind of spider that's trolling me in the bathroom. It's not the same spider though, cause I saw her in the corner behind the toilet this evening.
Dropped a tiny spruce, a small pine and a 20" black locust in the morning. HO clean up. Then I had a 3 hour fight with a fat raccoon who didn't want to leave my shop. I repaired a hole in the roof, guess he was still in. Ended up having to get a cord around it's neck and choking it into submission. It ran off. 20200709_151037.jpg
Taught a potential ground guy how to set up a 3:1 and how it is easy to pull a tree. Took a few maples down up a hill with him pulling. It took me a while to get my bearings straight on steep ground and find the horizon.
Wow, fine looking creature. I've seen those kind before around here, too.