How'd it go today?

We bag just about everything, Frans.
With the weather we have, it is a rare thing to actually be able to get hay dry.
13 years ago I had a student from "my" Karate school in California come over to live with me for a month and train in my Dojo as part of his education.
He brought me a Redwood seedling which I planted.
It didn't do well for the first many years, every winter it froze back.
Since we haven't had any cold winters the last 5-6 years it has really taken off and is 7 feet tall now.
I magine my dismay this evening when I saw that a buch Roe deer had marked his territory by scraping all the bark of the lower 3 feet of it.
Survival is doubtful.

The deer will not survive this heinous misdeed, either.
I called one of our employees, who is both a rifle and bowhunter.
He'll sneak down here at sunrise tomorrow and try to turn the little asshole into venison!
Ed, see a lot of Jucy Rentals, but I think they are smaller. Cruise America also. They have bigger.
You could shop closer to the event, like Bakersfield or something. Maybe take a rental car to where you rent the RV. Rental cars run pretty reasonable and other areas might have a better offering.
Well, justice was served.
That little buck has ruined his last Redwood tree.:D
Dog would love to, but I gave it to the guy who killed it.
He shot it with a bow, so as not to spook our horses.
Stig, cut the stripped part, there's a good chance that it will resprout. That's a way to get a thick hedge with redwoods: plant them in a row, let them grow until 2 to 3 meters, then cut off the trunks. The small stumps will make many sprouts, giving a bunch of fast growing codominant stems. For your, just select the nicest, maybe 2 years after.
I had a couple black walnuts I planted close to each other. One was doing great and the other so-so. The so-so one got girdled by a mouse or rabbit and appeared to be dead. The great one looked like it was doing wonderful. The great one had a neighboring tree drop a limb on it and deformed the hell out of it. The girdled one sent up a new shoot and took off growing. It is now a nice tree and the other one is just a cull.