How'd it go today?

Today, a friend of my customer came and wanted to use her brand new chainsaw. He was here too tuesday when I cut most of the big Leylandii hedge.
Customer worried a lot but can't say no. You have to know that this guy is nice and always ready to give a hand, helping as much as he can. Problem, he's a walking disaster and his help ended badly countless times. Know it all, but almost zero skill. He replied "no worry, I saw how Marc do !". Now I worried too, but can't say much about it. So I showed him how to start the chainsaw (!) and gave him 2 or 3 tips. Then I went to "my" tree, looking at the small maple he wanted to cut. Moderate front lean, so it should probably be fine even if he messed the cut.

Some time later, I was delimbing and bucking my ash when he came at me saying "my chain is stuck". Not really a surprise. But the small maple was pieced out and he drove me to an other maple, taller and near the house. 2 leaders almost vertical, a third one with a back / side lean toward the house. Nice new tiles roof, not even finished. He did made some notch, but all the hinge was gone. The chainsaw stuck under a root swell was there as a wedge (luckily). The tree rocking in the wind was held by something in the middle and a buttress root on the bad side. Shit.
Maasdam to the rescue !
Some tension on it to take out the imbalance, then a new notch over the messed cut. I didn't even have the time to start the back cut. Crack! over he went. But thanks to the Maasdam, he fall in the open area. Pfew !
Actually, he was held only by a pencil size bunch of fibers. I clearly felt some relief around me too. LoL
Reason #653 to Not Leave a Husband Unattended

My wife's been out of town for the past week helping our daughter with the new baby so I've been left alone to ponder life and think about stuff. :/:

Yesterday, I decided that our 10-year old mini van was overdue for replacement so I went to the local car dealer and picked out this as a surprise for her when she gets home later this week. :D

2019-lexus-es-350-f-sport-front-quarter (1).jpg

You think she'll like it?
I did!

It's got these wicked cool safety features. If you drift too close to the edge of your lane, it nudges you back to center. How cool is that? There's also a Pre-Collision System that warns the driver and applies the brakes if it detects an imminent front end collision. At night, it has lights that shine to the side when you make a turn.
The corrective driving stuff is spooky for me. Sorry, you can keep it. If I want to drive around a pothole I don't want my car taking control and turning back into it just because it's in the center of the lane. I understand it's to help inattentive drivers but it's just going to make the problem worse. Inattentive drivers will be encouraged to ignore the road because the car will correct itself while they play on Twitter.
Two crane days this week. Dead oaks the first day in a wet area, covered in fungal fruiting bodies, mold and mildew. Developed bilateral blepharitis by end of first day.
Second day dying beech with hollow base and one eye mostly shut. Fun with partial depth of field vision. Got it done.

That is heavy chit. Not fun. Good accomplishment :drink:
The corrective driving stuff is spooky for me. Sorry, you can keep it. If I want to drive around a pothole I don't want my car taking control and turning back into it just because it's in the center of the lane. I understand it's to help inattentive drivers but it's just going to make the problem worse. Inattentive drivers will be encouraged to ignore the road because the car will correct itself while they play on Twitter.

It's not like it jerks the wheel out of your hand. It's a very subtle nudge and easily overridden if you so desire. I almost didn't notice it at first. I changed lanes two or three times before I realized a very gentle pushback as I got close to the line. If you use your turn signals, it doesn't activate so it's a good reminder to always signal before changing lanes.

edit: Also, you can shut it off with the push of a button. :thumbup:
Give him a few minutes, he will find something:lol: Just hacking on ya Brian.

Had a good family day. Got them up and off early to go to the last day of the Paul Bunyan festival. Lots of log splitters and sawmills. Did good though. I set up a demo on a cmc tracked lift, a morbark demo, and a meeting with tiffin crane. Cooking dinner late but they don’t have school tomorrow so what the hell
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Also having a little bonfire with the neighbors
I think that was one of the sales companies inflatables. Probably a log splitter or band saw mill. My oldest daughter was getting a bit cross with me talking to Palfinger for so long. That changed when she found out she gets to go with me to the meeting and sit in the truck. She commented later that it’ll look good in my driveway. Not quite how it could go down but I’m still going to meet with them plus they’re gonna set me up with glen garesmek and another company within a few hours drive time as a demo. Exciting times in my neck of the woods.
Prepping for job interviews this week. One in the Neuro trauma ICU and the other in the emergency dept. Been along time since being on this side of it. Hope I don't blow it. Pretty nervous to say the least.