Yesterday was one job -- "leave no tree untouched." Main goal was more sunlight, let the grass grow. So on 3 hackberries, removed limbs & leaders -- over the road, over the house roof, over the yard. Then one hackberry came out. Raised the canopy of one pin oak over the driveway. Out back were 2 more pin oaks, raise canopy, lower deadwood. 2 main limbs over the back deck. Then the big ugly osage orange -- bad backlean over the neighbor's fence & roof, took both the GRCS and chipper winch to pull it over. Full, full 30 yards of chips. Bucked up a pickup load of firewood till the F150 was squatting on the axle. Left behind 2 big osage logs and 2 hackberry logs to be picked up today with the grapple truck.
Today was wet, wet -- rainy day. First job was to take down 2 medium ashes, very much declined and ready for removal. Dropped low leaders off with the 372 and the Stihl power pruner to take off back weight, then wedged them. Chipped all brush, saved the logs for firewood. While the stumps were being ground, headed over to a fallen Siberian elm that a recent storm knocked over (roots & all!) The city had dealt with the brush in the road, we were just there to chip the leaders and main 4' trunk, picked up the stump/root ball, then stump ground the remaining roots. Then back to yesterday's job to fish the 2 heavy, big Osage logs from the backyard with the grapple boom and pickup the other two logs from the front yard.