How'd it go today?

Saw a film once where a guy survived by eating field mice - there were jillions everywhere. He learned it from watching a wolf.
Company had a chip truck and BC 2100 stolen from a lot last night. Police found it minus the batteries. Seems odd to me.
No wonder the boss seemed grouchy when I talked to him at lunch
It doesn't make any sense to get Grand Theft Auto, etc over a couple batteries that would have been quiet to remove, onsite.

Any key-switch damage?

Got my mortgage pre-approval paperwork to a mortgage broker just now. Got a plan that should pan out. LOTTTTTS more room. I get bumper to bumper (or trailer end to trailer tongue, or whatever) with stuff, 4 deep to get behind the gate, and the garage is equally packed, without firewood or chips.

D is 6 today. Got to go in a bit to her school with mini-cupcakes for her birthday.

I couldn't see a speedbump in the road under light snow in time enough to slow down enough, recently. The truck was fine. Chipper bounced once. Cracked the spring-shackle hanger on the chipper. Getting that, and some other welding done. Ladder rack for the chipper fabbed, welding in a jack. Minor repairs.

My welder friend is a glutton for punishment and wants me to make him more mess to clean up. Actually, he needs lumber, and has an excess of tall trees over buildings/ carports/ equipment, and he's getting older. Wants to thin the herd, and get some timber to have bandsawn down the road for some building projects he has. 1x12 cedar siding and 2x12 x 20' nice doug-fir framing lumber. Pop off some 20's with limbs on that favor the lay, and dump a 40' butt, tomorrow, probably. ezpz. Right next to his carport. So long as I don't have a log hit the end and flop backwards.
Cool, Sean...staying busy!

Peter...good looking wood. Glad to see logs used...most of ours get left to rot...once in awhile we trailer them to the sawmill for pulp. Had a friend from church recommend us to a HOA a call from a lady that wants a bid on probably a dozen pines. Tornadoes around here two days ago pushed her over the edge...if it can hit the house she wants it down. Maybe we can pulpwood those if we get the job.
Thanks Gary.

Most hardwood around here goes for firewood.
Softwoods were a PITA to get rid of, only option was pay dump fees. That's why I made the mill, sell the boards at a decent price for me and the buyer, usually some lady from an hour away, so they can do their pinterest stuff they do. Win win!
Doubt it was a former employee. This was the truck and chipper for our Cleveland crew. It was found a mile away. My guess is they figured out it was a POS truck anyhow. They did destroy the steering column between the hot wire and freeing the steering wheel. Batteries might have got them $50 at a scrap yard. Damn crackheads.

My crew had the drive belt break on the skid loader so we didn’t get out before the ground thawed. Had to clean the road. Got to our second location with 45 minutes left in the day. Had a 90 foot beanpole of a pin oak brushed out and down to a fellable log by five.
PICC line dressing change, pushed morphine and ondasterone to dude who needed it bad, set up a three channel drip for cancer patient, bladder scans for post OP patient, tons of other shit I can't remember. Went to grocery store to buy special coffee for one of my patients cuz he was a bad ass vet and deserved it.
Just got back from riding my sled some.

I can't tell you guys what this thing means to me.

Been confined to one plowed out trail or another for 6 months.

To be able to get out and see something has really lifted my spirits.

Stay strong Jim it WILL melt someday! I can't imagine the cabin fever you must be going thru.
We did three medium floppers, mulberry prune, and a god awful bradford pear prune. I hate brad pears!
Been grinding stumps Monday-Wednesday and back at it for half day tomorrow. It's on one of my golf courses. I grind'em they clean it up 75 in all but some really big ones. One was 2 1/2 hours to grind and left a 20 yard pile of shit, I chuckled a little bit at the thought that I don't have to clean this beast up.
Company i used to work for had a semi stolen once, they found it up in Chicago on blocks with all the rims and tires gone. So they got new ones, brought it back.... and bam, same thing again lol.