Trimmed 16 oaks at a closed restaurant today for my big landscaper client. Chipper is working awesome. Finished about 2 and came home to do a job for my neighbor, split oak tree removal in his back yard. Got that down and finished filling up the chip truck. I'll pick up the logs tomorrow or later when I have a place to put them.
Best part of the day was Ron getting buzzed by a big red shoulder hawk. He said he felt her talons in his hair but she didn't leave a mark. She sat about 50 feet away and watched us very closely (like a hawk) for the next half hour till we finished.
Best part of the day was Ron getting buzzed by a big red shoulder hawk. He said he felt her talons in his hair but she didn't leave a mark. She sat about 50 feet away and watched us very closely (like a hawk) for the next half hour till we finished.