How'd it go today?

Trimmed 16 oaks at a closed restaurant today for my big landscaper client. Chipper is working awesome. Finished about 2 and came home to do a job for my neighbor, split oak tree removal in his back yard. Got that down and finished filling up the chip truck. I'll pick up the logs tomorrow or later when I have a place to put them.

Best part of the day was Ron getting buzzed by a big red shoulder hawk. He said he felt her talons in his hair but she didn't leave a mark. She sat about 50 feet away and watched us very closely (like a hawk) for the next half hour till we finished.
Today i got a call. Nick nack tree job. Prune this take out that blah blah. When i said the price the guy told me he is a surgeon and with those prices i make more than he does so forget it, thank you very much!

Because he honestly told me he would not hire our service, i gave hime a piece of my mind.
And yes, my temper.
I asked him:
Did you buythe sugical suite?
Did you buy the MRI ?
Do you hire on your dime the vast team of assistants, consultants, nurses, hell, even the building where you perform your surgeries?

Yea, some folk just dont get it.
Well done Frans!

Sometimes I think some of those snooty 'professionals' are offended that we charge decent money, at the very least they are often very surprised. They cannot equate our 'Manual Labour' jobs and noisy machinery with the investment of time and money and study that it took and takes for us to show up and trim their precious trees.

I've been fortunate by and large...but every now and then you get one.
Some are bitter that they went to school for 8 years and their 300 k job that requires around the clock work and usually a 100k plus loan to pay off. American society claims that drs make tons of money and have life by the balls, but the reality is that they are cog in the wheel just like the rest of us.
300K sounds high to me, for many or most of them. The top-shelf specialists make a lot no doubt.
Biannual or biennial?

She had me crown raise an oak over the carport as well. Been a few years since I had done it. Wind was making it scrape the metal roof.
Everything fit in the dump trailer for chipping into our garden. Had I brought the chipper, it would have been two trucks instead of one. As it was, she had us rake all the leaves. Her and the hubby used to just let the deer handle the raking. He passed, so she's the boss.
Today was more dead ash for the rediculously wealthy guy. Today's ash were prime. Like spurring a steel pole. They hinge so nice in this stage. Five of them today plus a poplar and a sassafras. Started snowing in the afternoon which made for one more reason to not like plywood. Slick as can be for the mini. I'm hoping the ground freezes up a bit overnight so I can get the rest of the wood out from today's work.
You grab one, I'll grab the other!


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I smashed my toe with a log for the first time yesterday. Log on feed chute when customer comes up to help feed some brush, I get distracted and log lands on my rubber boot. Could barely put on my shoe this morning.

Moral of story, tell customers to keep 100 feet away

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Rented a Nifty 50 ton-behind lift. Wrecked the regrown tops on a many times topped maple. Lots of figure and burl in the butt big butt.

Worked around the power line, rather than scheduling a drop.

Couldn't have gotten the lift into any tighter spot if we tried. Two setups. Figured on 3, maybe 4.

The homeowner specifically reminded me to take all the wood. I guess she doesn't want to try to turn 3-4' rounds into firewood.
Funky thing must have been bent over when young. Butt comes out of the ground at 50-60*.

Did a cedar canopy raise at another job with the lift. Well-spent $250.
ouch...sorry to read about your foot Fiona.

caught my 1st three mice of the year on 3 consecutive nights now...winter has officially shown up here this year...
Spent till 11am picking up plywood from under the snow:X. Got a light dusting at the house. Drive less than an hour north and it was 3" while 3 more came down today. Had a guy blowing snow off the yard where the mini needs to travel so it'll freeze. Gonna be 12*F in the morning with wind chills well below zero. Gonna dress a bit warmer( for some reason my hands are getting cold this year) and try to get the last 8 or 9 on the ground tomorrow. Deal with clean up Thursday and Friday. Have another job just like this up the road next. They're a little less worried about damage in the woods so I can drop a bunch of the skinnier trees and then another job like this 6 miles away from that. By then it'll be Christmas and I'm taking a few vacation days. Like till New Years. Use them or lose them.