We went down to one of the Southern islands and helped a logger/arbo who had hurt his leg and couldn't climb, out.
Hauled ass and managed to do 3 ½ day jobs in one day.
3 big firs, the largest Black Locust I've ever seen here and a mid size maple, completely covered in ivy.
Completing all three in one day meant that the guy we were helping, will be able to make money off the jobs, too.
Super weather, we had fun together and managed to totally blow the guy's mind by piecing the 3 firs down in one hour.
It is fun to just kick it into complete overdrive once in a while.
Me in one tree, Richard in the other.............that means competiton.
I won, so he stayed on the ground while I did the 3rd one, and thereby won a ticket for the nasty, hollow locust.
That of couse meant that I had to do the ivy jungle.
Just can't win