How'd it go today?

We'll just to report in. The guy was there, super pleasant and polite today. Showed me the fireplace/Chimney and then left me completely alone to do my work. Thanked me profusely. I believe he was just stressed out over the sale of his home. Understandable, and glad I didn't get my back up and do/say something stupid that would inevitably only harm my business instead of help it.

Just stopped back home for a quick bite to eat and off to sweep more soot!
Bearings went on the bottom end of the grinder today, actually finished the job as they went, which is unusual!

Shuffling work around now like a madman. Need those chèques! Treasure chest a bit depleted after the summer slowdown.
Been waiting for $900 for six weeks...two apologies and 'will pay it this Friday'...Tuesday now.
I know this should really go in the "what did you have for dinner thread" but i worked all day building up the this one spectacular moment. 2.95 lb bone in ribeye, felt a little like Fred Flintstone eating it. Oliver helped a little 20170918_202030.jpg 20170918_202030.jpg
My ONLY non-payment in full (had some crazy lady short me $800 because I rigged the dead maple out and used my loader, rather than a crane which I said would cost me about $800 if I used it) was a guy going bankrupt. Only $300 for a quick trim. This winter he had a tree on a house. Insurance job at the end of the April wind storm. Turned me onto the job, and suggested the insurance bill could be raised $300, squaring us up. I was just happy to get another easy insurance job, keeping to the price the adjuster suggested to the HO as what she might be gettting bid (under $3k). Easy money. Turned me on to his friend, a firewood guy who is also turning into my future mortgage broker.

People have shit happen. Always remaining professional pays off. .

This took 4 years. After about a year or so, I did get him on the phone. He told me he was broke, trying to save his house and business, and felt terrible for being 'that guy'. I told him Good Luck, and absolved the debt, and to feel good to go spend the time with his family as he's been doing, trying to keep his family intact while possibly "losing everything".

House purchases are usually the biggest financial obligation a person will ever undertake. Stressful!
My ONLY non-payment in full (had some crazy lady short me $800 because I rigged the dead maple out and used my loader, rather than a crane which I said would cost me about $800 if I used it) was a guy going bankrupt. Only $300 for a quick trim. This winter he had a tree on a house. Insurance job at the end of the April wind storm. Turned me onto the job, and suggested the insurance bill could be raised $300, squaring us up. I was just happy to get another easy insurance job, keeping to the price the adjuster suggested to the HO as what she might be gettting bid (under $3k). Easy money. Turned me on to his friend, a firewood guy who is also turning into my future mortgage broker.

People have shit happen. Always remaining professional pays off. .

This took 4 years. After about a year or so, I did get him on the phone. He told me he was broke, trying to save his house and business, and felt terrible for being 'that guy'. I told him Good Luck, and absolved the debt, and to feel good to go spend the time with his family as he's been doing, trying to keep his family intact while possibly "losing everything".

House purchases are usually the biggest financial obligation a person will ever undertake. Stressful!
Good on you for that but it's the ones that have the money that chap my ass. I had a guy whining about the cost of a prune job as his new Maserati is sitting in the driveway under said tree.
They are nice, ours came with the house, score!
I really wanna get the giant 8 burner Weber Genesis II, mighty fine grilling machine! But the cost is not in the books right now, one day it will be mine.

I bought mine secondhand off of a friend of mine about ten years ago. I've used it and abused it and it just keeps coming back for more. What amazes me is after a decade of wintering uncovered outside my electronic igniter still works.
Love my Weber grill. It was free to me which makes it even better. It's an older genesis. The only thing besides cleaning has been a regulator. My ignition switch gets a bit confused when it's damp out but no worrries yet.

Day went ok. More dead ash removals. Sent the youngster up for a bit. He got agitated after a few cuts but it gave me time to touch up four neglected saws so not a total loss. He gets a bit sketched out when the elevator needs to be used. Working on fixing that.
Cool and wet has set in.

Easy solo day about 2 miles from home. Japanese maple and small magnolia prunes, and a flowering plum removal/ grind, small old stump to grind with the 206. Got into glacial outward cobbles below the imported topsoil.
Probably grossed about $600 in stumps so far, toward it's $1600 sale price.

Had a pocket loosen up and two teeth want to migrate out. Had to go get a 1/2" Allen wrench and pipe.