How'd it go today?

Yes, this is cool temperate rainforest. Had to watch out for the leeches that day, its been very wet.
I reckon that big white gum was approaching 200ft if nothing. There are lots of old stumps around of equal or bigger girth, with springboard holes in them!
Those pictures give me an itch to go south for the winter and do some climbing.
Yes, it is one of the innumerable types of eucalyptus! I still haven't got my head round all of them. I don't actually do much work on eucs, just removals so far.
They are magnificent when they are so tall, it would be a huge step outside my comfort zone to climb one of them, but I do look at them with an eye to how I might go about it!
That is the fun part about climbing the Big ones, Fi.
That they are WAY outside one's comfort zone.
Just pulled back in with the camper. stayed over at a little bluegrass festival yesterday.

Ran into some old bandmates I haven't seen in about 15 years. So good to see old friends...we played as a unit for about 6 years. There is talk of re-forming sometime in the next couple years:/:
I spent a couple of days in the UK, I went with a couple of old friends to the APF, a forestry and tree surgery show/exhibition type thing.

I've known one of the guys for 40 years at least. The whole day was spent taking the piss out of each other.

Long trip but worth it.

Learned something new today...
I know Squish, it's your raison d'etre.:)

There is a very subtle change of emphasis if you are just "taking the piss" so if an employee is constantly late for instance he could be "taking the piss" meaning taking liberties.

Normally when you add "out of" it means the making fun of version.

All about context of course.