Thanks Rich. I'm surrounded by businesses and put up with back-up beepers, outside sand blasters, air-hammers & ratchets, etc. all hours on all days & nights. I'm not opposed to regular business hour noise, or even some on weekends or nights, if it's necessary...but I'm adamantly against uncalled for encroachment on what little peace we get around here.
The big blast after I talked to them prompted a call to the local authorities, who will stop by and have a little talk with them maybe. Who knows...might be another war in the works here...fine, I ain't lost one yet...last ones that pissed me off ended up moving away after they got tired of dealing with the cops, DEQ, and drain commissioner.

some days I wish I still had all that big POWER!
OK, the story behind Nic's comment: I was playing one day on my back deck. Cop comes around the corner so I quit and asked him if someone complained about the volume... he said they didn't get any calls but he was trying to do his paperwork in the office (mile away in town) and my bass was coming in so loud and clear that he couldn't concentrate well enough to get it if I didn't mind could I turn it down a bit?

I apologised and told him no problem and thanks for letting me know. I thought it was pretty cool it carried that well.
for those who like specs: I was running a 600 watt Seymour Duncan through four 15" speakers at 2ohms. Bottom cabinet was 2x15JBL in a EV reverse horn and top cab was a front loaded all EV 2x15