Two water fills and about $700.00 including a new pool for the kids and the NEW pool is up and running.. Of course I should had tested the old pool for leaks before I took a 200.00 water delivery.

But they got a few days out of it and I bought another one, then more water, and then the hoses did not fit
Oh well, back to the drawing board. So that's all tidied up. Final new hose clamps today on the newer hoses seemed to have limited the leaks. Well that, and some rescue tape
Last couple days at a clients we trade some of the work out for some acupuncture for Katy. They called the day before we show up and there is an emergency. Vacation rental blocked by a large downed oak tree. Returned the call. They called back, no worries, come on out in the morning, have help on the downed tree, please continue the pine tree killing.
So just for in case, I towed the Dingosaurus in and found the road still blocked and a couple guys trying to move the mess with only a couple chainsaws. They had cut a new road around it (grass) so the guests could go to Yosemite.
I walk over to the HO and tell her, "hey, if those guys get into the big wood, and need our help, I brought the skid steer and I'll move the wood for them if you like, I doubt two guys are going to lift those rounds.... "
She wants to see it... take her behind the trailer... here this thing.... Look of amazement on her face.
Decides right then and there, they need me and the machine... I send the two guys I have to go get started on the trees we came for.
I come back with the dingo and there are now two guys on saws and one dragger. Move over boys!
We had that drive cleared in 3 hours. Then I went and took down a 100 foot pine barber pole style in an hour. and helped my guys straighten things up for the next day.
Met with the client on my way out the gate......
Damn...that is a lot of material... She says... I hope we can move it all so it does not sit here all summer before we can burn it....
So I suggest we reduce it with my chipper. I tell her to give me 1.5 hours and see how much we get done. I told her it would probably take 2.5 - 3 to do it all. But we could shrink the pile drastically. Of course the guys are going to whittle firewood off it all anyway....
She approves. We had more than 3/4 of the slash chipped and dumped (2 loads) in that 1.5 hours. My two guys feeding and cutting, me and the Dingosaurus feeding them and tearing piles apart.
She kept the "nice chips" for her garden and we took 3 more trees down to boot.
Happy happy homeowner... And Katy had her acupuncture visits (3) paid off

Well go back in a month if we don't get a call sooner