How'd it go today?

Took my kid (2 years old) with me today to remove a troublesome squirrel that insisted on living in a friend's house. It was a very nice and easy shot so I held the gun up and let him help scope it and he pulled the trigger. Black squirrel, thought about having it mounted since it's his first but he was set on eating it.
Now im trying to figure out how to setup the hitch for a climber pulley. So many different knots but im having trouble figuring out which is best.
The VT is what a lot of climbers like. I prefer the distel. Honestly it's because it's the one I tried second and liked it. Only did a VT once and never really learned to tie it myself. I might play with that this week end. It's been a while since I haven't used the hitch hiker. Need to refresh on the hitch climber. Going to be 10 kids there so I might set up a nice gradual zip line to keep them occupied for a while.
I liked the distel for a long while but changed to the tk hitch and it seems great.
Got bargained down today.
Never happened before.
Danes don't bargain. They either accept the price or say it is a bit more than they expected and they need to think it over.
This guy, who owns a local gas station, came here from Iran, when the Ayatollah took over.
So he just went to work on me and eventually got me to accept a way too low price, if he helped with the clean-up.

Made me laugh a bit about myself being so Danish, because I don't normally think of myself that way.

Still, he is a good guy and I enjoyed working with him.
Ha ha! Those guys can be artists, no harm done though.

Wooden Top went to a funeral today so I ran errands all day, bank have mislaid some cheques, I blame myself as a default position being an immigrant, on this occasion, however, it's their fault.
Yep. but I live in Scandinavia.

Wish Richard had been the one to bid on that.
Being South African, that stuff comes natural to him.

We once had an appointment with Vermeer to look at a stump grinder.
I got into a bit of a road rage thing with a trucker and was 5 minutes late.
By that time, Richard had got them to knock a couple of grand aff the price.

So I just said, I was going to wait in the truck.
Yup, non muslims. That was why they ran off, with the Ayatollah taking power.

Good guys, those that I've known.

Had a student in the dojo for years, came here when he was 13 with his mother, escaping from the "pogroms" that ensued when everybody suddenly was in a fierce competition about being most muslim, and even the most stupid, illiterate living in the sticks, farm boy could declare himself a " Mullah" and have people decapitated.

Read James Clavell's "Whirlwind" if you want a good idea about how the shit went down.

Fiction, but pretty accurate.
My hay is cut and drying! Looks like a hella bumper crop this year for the first cut. A whopping seven acres. Jim must wonder how I can handle it all.
We haven't even started thinking about haying, yet.

Sure looks like fine weather for it, Justin.
I don't know about hay, but here, it's raining so much that the ground is completely saturated. Every rain's drop runs-off. We can see water running everywhere in the gardens, the fields, the roads, from exhaust pumps, from the sewers. The grass grows like crazy but no way you can put a mower on it. The land is sinking !
I don't know about hay, but here, it's raining so much that the ground is completely saturated. Every rain's drop runs-off. We can see water running everywhere in the gardens, the fields, the roads, from exhaust pumps, from the sewers. The grass grows like crazy but no way you can put a mower on it. The land is sinking !

Cheers, mate. It won't be long now...

Justin: Very, very beautiful. That's gotta feel pretty good.
Them mountains or hills in the background are awesomely gorgeous.
The ongoing lunches at Bermy's sweet jobsite...

Lunch yesterday was cold grilled salmon with a Hoysin glaze, on salad with fresh bread.
Today was grilled chicken breast slices with some kind of curry glaze, served on lightly curried green lentils in a lettuce leaf on top of a salad with cold grilled peppers and mushrooms, lettuce and some kind of dressing. more bread.

I shit you not.