How'd it go today?

Good thing they excavated the roots for the greenhouse. Probably at least triple the price as if they had forethought.

How often do you guys quickly frame some sort of wooden shield for a structure or plants.

I've thought that with some bushes at the base of a removal tree, making a teepee of sorts with 2x's, and plywood would mean letting branches free fall versus rigging or guiding down. Never done it.

I have built a few crash cribs in various ways over the years. This one will be rigging though.
Just bought a new 201 TC last week. I like it so far. It's definitely better than the first 201 piece of crap they came out with.
I guess so. Normal range is 70 to 110.

When I was a kid, about 8 or 9, I sat through a hypoglycemia test at the hospital in the big town over west. 6 hours or drinking sugar water and finger pokes. My blood sugar never got over 90.

It is normal after you eat for blood sugar to go up, sometimes out of normal range.

I guess 81 after a person eats a big dinner with carbs is pretty low.

Trouble is below 70 a person can go into insulin shock, or have decreased mental status. Death can occour at low numbers. A person can have a number in the 200s to 300s and not be greatly bothered.

Because I need something to worry about, I was worried I had high blood sugar. Glad I dont! Check one thing off the worry list.
Awesome news.
One time when I was about 30 days into a juice fast. I drank some raw fresh squeezed grape juice on a very very very empty stomach.
Started feeling pretty weird.
There was a diabetic lady there who checked my blood sugar and said it was 170.
I didn't really know what that meant but I could feel something wasn't normal.
That would be scary. I guess you went from a fasting state to a sugar overload and your pancrease did not know what the hell to do!

170 is not too bad, but I can see how you would feel funny.

Fun Fact: An average adult male has the equivalent of two sugar packets worth of sugar in his blood stream at any given time. The rest of the sugar is stored for use between meals.

The cells in your body basically only eat "sugar" or glucose. I guess that is why you can die so quickly from low blood sugar levels.
Very well summed up and written and has me ready to go slash their tires.


Yes, the dog experience was harsh, broke his back.

I am also a quarter Eskimo,

Quit bragging!

Because I need something to worry about, I was worried I had high blood sugar. Glad I dont! Check one thing off the worry list.

Like Bill Murray in 'What About Bob' movie, after he does a Tourette's spaz in the shrink's office, 'If I fake it, that means I don't have it'

Its easy. Take an 80 hour class to become an EMR and they will test you for free!

Ha, that sounds like me, I donate a $1000.00 worth of chipping to a local nature place, they give me a couple of xmas trees free!!
Got my fold up chainsaw speed bucking stage trailer all packed up for the Northern Manitoba Trappers Festival 4 hrs SW of here. Speed bucking and log carving events go this Saturday. Fresh logs and timbers waiting for me.

Best way to beat the mid winter blues:)

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I think about your competitions occasionally Willard.
I remember you saying that a young girl won with a "surgeon like" feel for the saw in the wood.
Listening to the motor, underrated ability.
Had a good day. Got shifted back to another ROW to deal with some more challenging things. A large double red oak over a school fence that was set right on the line. Not to bad. All bucket work. The challenging part was that there was just me and one other guy. And he was not my rope man. The kid did good and I even broke him in on DBR and some span rigging. He's been working with me for a couple of weeks and told me how he's frustrated with not learning. He's tired of just being a grunt. At the end of the day I showed him a small cherry that is in our way for another big oak removal. I told him to think about it tonight and tell me his plans for it. I can wedge it over but I hope he tells me to set a pull line in it. He's a good kid so I want to keep him interested if I can. I let him know the only way to make real money is to get off the ground. He said he's up for it if he can stay with me. Like I said he's a good kid and seems to want to learn, I hope it'll work out. I know you can't learn this stuff over night but if I can train him to help me out I might be able to catch some rest once in a while.
Oh and I climbed and stripped out a multi stemmed maple that another crew removed all but the part over the fence. And they wonder why I yell at them.
I hope I can be Gary. I need to get some relief. I love what I do but, I get tired. I'm hoping for him to be a " natural" and make this kinda easy on me.
Booked in an award job for a about 2 weeks from now. It's a fir, 100 ft give or take....but at the top of a hundred antwenty yard driveway. Very steep and narrow. Looks near impossible to turn around at the top and head back under the tree....even if we take off the chipper. I could probably back the chipper up in 4L but it would take a while as it's so tight....and then we'd be parked on the down slope of a very steep hill which I'm not crazy about either. Another option would be to leave the chipper at the bottom and take truck loads of branches down to dump and chip later. The tree itself is over the house and asphalt so every last limb and log has to be rigged down. The branches are easy enough, but there's a lot of big logs to rig down. On the upside I rigged a 135ft pole in an afternoon a couple years ago....and this one is much less. So, if the chipping is complete by lunch, then I know we're ahead. It's just the whole chipper access thing is a dilemma at the moment. I'm taking over the job for another company who I looked at it with 3 years ago....but it was priced for a 3 man day. It'll be close, but hopefully work out.
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Reg, how tight of an area do you need to zip line the branches down the drive? Or just a good portion of the drive? Maybe just to a more level spot. With the wood, could you maybe lower 6'-8' pieces straight into the bed of the truck? That might sound a bit crazy but I've done it a couple of times.
That would make for some good video! 8)

Congrats on the new guy Rich, I hope he works out for you man. Finding good people is so hit-or-total miss, if he has legitimate interest than keep the light at the end of that tunnel bright.

Everything has to come down into the small area up top. There is a rough patch of ground to zip the limbs to up there. Conventional lowering would be too slow....too many limbs. Easier to deal with later in one or two big piles.....fir limbs stack pretty good straight from a zipline.

The wood Is staying....just needs to be bucked and put in a corner out of the way. Most of the wood stays in these parts.