How'd it go today?

I had one of those superlong days. Started about 7:00 on a chinese pistachio removal with a really gnarly stump. Finished about 1:00, vy the time we had lunch and went to the dump it was 2:30, went to the second job a trim on one modesto ash and a removal of the other. My contract climber guy was working for me across the street and we finished about the same time and he said if we cleaned up now he would help us. We decided to take him up on it and started dragging brush through this park in back of the house. Pulled into my driveway about 8:00. I could hardly move this morning. Good money day though. 675 for the first job, 725 for the second and 1,000 for the job the contract climber worked on. Paid him 200 and we chipped the brush. My wife had her wrist operated on today, they removed a plate. Took much of the day for that. I only got one bid done besides hospital stuff.
Everything was peachy right up until the crying kid in the bedroom as I type. She informed me that there would be no books before bed tonight and that she would go straight to bed. She walked in a minute ago and told me that she had changed her mind. I told her that we could try again tomorrow. Now I am cranking the tunes on my computer head phones to drown out the semi-real sobs in the other room.
I'm ready for bed I know that much.

I picked my truck up this morning, and boy is it sweet! :D :D :D

Now I just need to get over this bug or what ever it is, that caused me to have to go to the ER this evening.
I came down with a UTI over the weekend. It finally got me today, and rather than hassle with having to make a miserable drive to deliver parts to Williamsburg in the morning, I went tonight, and got the official word that it was that, and got a script for an antibiotic, and got told what to take for the pain. etc.
Or swab twice with cranberry dipped Q-tips. Ouch, Jason.

I'm sure her memory was worth the UTI, Butch.
You looked enamoured or hammered maybe both.


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I had to change my plans for one guy to go do an emergency job at the zoo. I hate the zoo, it's almost always an extreme PITA. Luckily, this wasn't one of those. A hackberry had split and was hung up against the siberian tigers open top yard. Lordy, those are some huge, magnificent creatures!
One of the guys I work for is who the zoo always calls. He has all the area's schools in his pocket, too. It's been that way for ages, his daddy used to be a politician here.

Did you run a test to determine how high they can jump for a tasty Ballowe morsel?:D

Ha. No, they had those suckers penned up. We had to get in the enclosure. They're probably still working there.