How'd it go today?

Ha! The sneaky bastid! Slipping out the back door while the in-laws are in town, eh? :/:


I know, it makes ya wanna shake your head doesn't? MEN. I just heard from him and he is bringing home some snapper. They caught Kingfish, Snapper (red and yellowtail), a shark but not one sailfish. They had chartered 2 boats and the other boat got 2 sails.
Here is John's best friend from Orlando. They were out on the reef off Islamorada. Also, a shot of some of the catch sans the snapper. Oh and they caught some jacks as well.
John doesn't want to get stranded on desert Island with those guys, they'd eat him for lunch.
I bid a couple of jobs and changed out the fuel filter on my pick-up.If someone were to tell me that he/she was the engineer who designed the fuel filter sytem on that truck I think I would punch him or her.
The internal locking fittings were horrible-forget the plastic domajiggy that came with the new filter-no workie so I drove back to the parts store and spent 8 bucks for a specialty tool-that worked but the idiot enginneers designed the filter holding bracket so that it clamps almost 3/4s of the diameter of the filter with 900lbs of pressure and they routed everything past the bracket so that the filter could only be slid out the "long" way. The clamp had to be spread and the filter lip levered out of its slot and wiggled the full length of the bracket. When I finally succeeded I discovered that the replacement filter was 1/4 inch larger in diameter and absolutely would not fit. I returned that-they double checked that it was their proper replacement so I got a refund and I drove to NAPA where they had one dimensioned like the original. It finally went back together pretty easily.
of course, since they put it on a frame rail under the body there was no way to do the job without gas running down my arm.--and the idiots put the Schrader valve for relieving the pressure in the system on the back end of the fuel rail where it was hard to access too.:|:
Jason, I presume that the skeet shooting and time with the rifle were seperate activities? If you shoot skeet with a rifle I'm not speaking to you.::lol:
A couple of twigs I fell just to stay in the game a bit. I thought I'd share 'cause the 2nd stump is a good example of what not to do. In my defense I was balancing precariously on a boulder that was butted up against the tree making it real ackward to cut. Still no excuses dammit! I created a kerf/dutchman that caused the holding wood to break away pretty much entirely and sooner than it should of. Alls well that ends well. 8)
It's a gall-danged ghost town up in here this sunday. Where is everyone today? Grilling and chilling?
Still Sunday night here, wishing the weekend was not coming to an end. My parents are in town for Thanksgiving, and we just got back from dinner. My dad treated to dinner, the restaurant cooked the fish that John caught yesterday. I had the early bird steak over a salad, yum.

Spent the day on the water, touring Boot Key Harbor then up to my daughters house. Mike D from Michigan arrived while we were there, he is down to help us with a big job in Truman Annex, in Key West.
I get one more day of weekend, more vacation time to burn.
Want to go look at train sets for the boy for Christmas tomorrow, he may be too young, but it's just as much for me:P
Work has been nothing but a mad house!!!! Trying to keep everything running in between meetings trying to get ready for the move. This company wastes more time and money on meetings!!! Last week, I worked eight hours, drove 45 min, and went to a "team training" seminar for three hours. All overtime!!! That was Wednesday and doesn't include the other two meetings I had to stay late to attend, or my on call time this weekend!!!
Bu the checks are nice, and they clear!!!!!:D