How'd it go today?

Pretty soon, I'll be in one of these-


It was in route to be retrofitted as of Oct 31.

I knew it was going to be soon, but DAYUM! :O

I pick her up tomorrow.
Slept till 8:30am, went to the bank, closed, got stopped by a cop on the way home. My tag comes up as expired:? No ticket, but a hassle. And the tag office is closed as well. Helped my dad work on a bicycle for a girl in need. Went to the bar, had a couple drinks and lunch. Went and looked at a travel trailer (camper), didn't like the price. Hanging out with the boy now, waiting for moma to come home.
Oh yeah, got paid for eight hours of work and didn't have to even show up:P
I'm liking this job more all the time!!!!:D

Nice score on the truck!!!!
Go treesandsurf! Entomology will work well for you. Nothing like being in the field though. Graduate kiddo! How much longer?

Thanks! Encouragement is always nice during midterms :lol:

I'm shooting to finish next December 2008, if all goes well. Will probably have to go to summer school but it'll hopefully be worth it just to get this thing done :|:

Thanks! Encouragement is always nice during midterms :lol:

I'm shooting to finish next December 2008, if all goes well. Will probably have to go to summer school but it'll hopefully be worth it just to get this thing done :|:


It will! When is the surf the best? In Florida, it is the winter, and that is nothing compared to what you get to enjoy. Don't let the surf interfere with your studies at this late date! Good luck with mid terms!
Man oh man lost power here for a hour or two, phoned the power company and apparently there's outtages in all of Southern B.C.
Squish, its been howlin here most of the day, get used to it, its winter! :D I figured maybe you were out working when I saw the towns of Penticton and such getting weather today on the noon news.
rained and blew today. we pruned a large sycamore and the wind started. almost had a mutiny:) my buddy kept saying "one more gust like that and im going down" :) i wouldnt blame him as hes only been climbing a couple months, shoot it makes me hang on when a big one comes through!
rained and blew today. we pruned a large sycamore and the wind started. almost had a mutiny:) my buddy kept saying "one more gust like that and im going down" :) i wouldnt blame him as hes only been climbing a couple months, shoot it makes me hang on when a big one comes through!

It was a blustery day here too. I cancelled our scheduled job and we made a bunch of trees into lollipops instead. Its an evil job in terms of tree health but I get to do it every year and it was a perfect day for it. We also got the go ahead on a little front yard removal about a mile away, so we knocked that one out too and were in a heated vehicle headed home when the rain started to fall.
I pruned two big Honey Locusts and watched the neighbor attempting suicide by DIY. Man and his wife were destroying a 20 inch dbh walnut. He had an extension ladder and a Homelite Super 2 along with 50-60 feet of 1/4" yellow polypro rope.... And PPE! --He had earmuffs-no glasses, hardhat , saddle or good sense but he had muffs. He had already cut all the good rigging points off but had 2 leaders leaning over the house. He had his ropelet rigged by tossing it through a crotch about 8 feet above his cut(20 foot of leader above his cut) and the doubled line ran down to a chunk of firewood hanging at head height for his wife to grasp and tug on. He went up his ladder and free climbed up and wedged himself in a crotch,bstarted a backcut with no face., sawed for a while, made a face cut cattywampus to the backcut, he went back to the backcut, gnawed on it for a while and the non functional "hinge" broke and the limb fell off onto the roof tips first and bounced off onto the grape arbor. It bent the gutter but didn't seem to damage the roof. Wife went into the house and Suicide Sam crawled down and cut up the limb. While I was up in the backyard locust I observed him sitting on a bench staring at the remaining leader over the house. Next time I looked he was gone. Nothing else happened on the Walnut for the remainder of the day. When I descended out of "my" locust the homeowner came out and asked if I thought her B-I-L was crazy.Once she explained that "Suicide Sam" is in fact her brother-in-law I affirmed that I shared her opinion.
So he specifically picked today to attempt showing you up since he knew you would be working across the street? Don't you love it when some fucktard goes out of his way to 'prove' that he can manage to accomplish the same job as you even though he has no idea what he's doing? It's as if they need to show you that your experience and knowledge is worthless. They cannot see how stupid they are.
Either that or he was trying to be so inept Justin would come do the job for him out of worry and sympathy.
No calls on the wind blowing today :( , they were saying on the radio up to 80kph winds, real strong for around here. I had two trees lined up to fall but a little to breezy to pull that off today.
Squash, try driving through Penticton and Kelowna, according to Global, they got pounded by the wind.
Had one of the worst times getting a line in a tree ever. Twigged out red oak about 90' between a house and a lake. Had a nice crotch to aim for at about 60' but for some reason I pinged the bag off every twig and branch around it without ever getting into it... that took about 30 minutes. Then I relocated and went for a higher crotch that had a clearer path... nailed it first try but stuck the bag trying to isolate it. Spent another 20 minutes getting the my line set with the backup... in the original crotch I was going for. Climbed up, untied the stuck bag, dropped the line and proceed to prune and drop brush all over it. I didn't shoot one but that spaghetti mess was worth a picture when I got down.

Other than that, it went pretty well. Fall color is cranking real nice, weather is excellent.
guys did a nice pruning job, i ran errands and finally got back to my truck mechanicing. just fighting the timing now :X
You'll get it, Willie. I have confidence in you. :thumbup:
I had two small jobs today. Both paid well so I made a full day's rate with about 4 hour's work total.

I went to my favorite little Italian place for dinner, decided to eat there for a change instead of taking it home. I walked in and ran into a couple I know (who live 20 miles away), the mom of a guy I have worked with and her husband. I ended up joining them for dinner and had a great time talking about all sorts of stuff. It was a very enjoyable meal.