How'd it go today?

Off to the lake with my silly family. Spring wheat is a little green, so we will take the boat out today. Father in law bought the kids a water ski trainer, will give it a try.

I will post some pics later, if we are all still friends of course!
Two trips in the suv, with hitch-cargo platform and roof box.

Trailer load yesterday.

Chip truck will dump firewood and lumber. Much higher volume.

Some from Column A, some...

off to
Sean: Best of luck moving... Why did Mick say, "tough times,"... I probably missed something... unless it's just the universal, "moving sucks," thing. Yup.

Grendel: Yeah, that's windy. HUGE gusts eh? That musta sucked.

Jim: No! This friendship is OVER. How dare you go to the lake without inviting me.

No climbing, pruning or falling today... just chipping an HOA pile from Hell. Man, homeowners are bad at stacking brush... unnamed-64.jpg Andy, Son of Unferth, takes a second to catch a dusty breath...
Sweet gum assassin today climb the biggest in the clump hang the four smaller around them. Feed the chipper the whole thing except the last stick.
Followed by oak over camper with no high tie in and service drop to work over.
Glad tomorrow is light.
Sweet gum assassin today climb the biggest in the clump hang the four smaller around them. Feed the chipper the whole thing except the last stick.
Followed by oak over camper with no high tie in and service drop to work over.
Glad tomorrow is light.

Definitely nothing that bad ass for me.
3 cables. 2 class 4 prunes, a clearance prune, and 2 fine prunes. Finished a relatively significant contract, for us anyway.

Only have a day worth of injections left.

Happy to be wrapping up and moving on.

Hope everyone is well.
Busy days for every one seemingly.
Don't ya just wonder how the wind times it just so when you are ready to make the cut :/:
Nice job though :)
TD on a grey pine today. 7 hours, all lowered save 20 foot of spar over a road, power line, fence and yard. Too busy for pictures. 15 yards of chips. 3 guys. I played climber. Even Mike said better me than him in that tangled mess of a sticky tree.
No tree work here.

Played a show for "the critter barn" today. Do it each year...Play an hour, have a free dinner, play another hour...walk with $100. My kind of gig.

It was windy & fifty degrees out though...felt cold, glad I dressed for it8)
Down to a twin bed, toy chest, kitchen table, small desk, and a file cabinet in the house.

The barn will take some doing. Not the end of the world. Rather be staying and working.

Moving forward...
For the last few Wednesdays I've been helping a lady clean out her Dad's house and hauling stuff to the landfill in the dump trailer. Pretty sobering to watch much of what a man worked for being dumped and crushed. Books by the many hundreds, closets full of suits and clothes, awards, plaques, hundreds of records and tapes, many never opened, beds, furniture, you name it. She doesn't have time to yard sale any of it and the clothes all smell moldy. All our "treasure" will meet the same fate one day I guess. I heard a message once that this life is like a Monopoly game, when it's over, everything goes back in the box. Or in this case, the dump.
Recently I emptied my parents house after bereavement. Throwing their whole life in a skip, rather than selling it off for buttons to strangers, was a unforgettable experience (i.e. not pleasant) I kept some photos and my dads spanners, that's all.
I learnt that I will never keep pointless stuff, so I regularly tip stuff, much to the annoyance of my hoarder wife.
99 % of what we treasure is trash to everyone else.
All our "treasure" will meet the same fate one day I guess. I heard a message once that this life is like a Monopoly game, when it's over, everything goes back in the box. Or in this case, the dump.

99 % of what we treasure is trash to everyone else.

Profound, insightful, and more than a little sobering...a real call for spending time and money on what truly matters: people, not stuff

::fights urge to purchase more tree gear::
Tough to deal with your folks stuff.
Worked some live oaks over the Suwanee river for a casting spot;) and chipped a failed maple. Spent my day on the ground for a change and let my new guy get some practice and training.

Well said Limbrat.

More nasty chipping and then went out to help a friend clean up his beautiful maple prune. Then I removed another, smaller Maple (no pics).

unnamed-66.jpg unnamed-67.jpg Victor makes it down to the roof. Chris finishes up the tree. unnamed-68.jpg
Yeah.... Davey's huge on those for some unknown reason... The boys call them butt boards. We try to get the ergolite or settle for the ergovation. Victor is 56 btw. Heck of a guy too. Work horse.
All our "treasure" will meet the same fate one day I guess.

Recently I emptied my parents house after bereavement. Throwing their whole life in a skip, rather than selling it off for buttons to strangers, was a unforgettable experience (i.e. not pleasant) I kept some photos and my dads spanners, that's all.
I learnt that I will never keep pointless stuff, so I regularly tip stuff, much to the annoyance of my hoarder wife.

Two incredibly accurate, insightful posts. I too am sure that will be our/my fate.

Though I'm sure you will appreciate your Pop's wrenches overtime they come into use. I have some C clamps from my FIL, they are great to use for all those reasons.
Today was beautiful. A couple of big red oaks to deadwood and some smallish red maples to thin and deadwood. It was nice to walk around the canopies at a relaxed pace. Only kill for the day was a 15' tall spruce that someone planted to close to the driveway. Loving that hitch hiker more and more. I need to buy a longer climbing line for pruning. A basal tie eats up to much rope once you work the whole canopy.