Chip trucks are great for moving house. I've saved a few quid over the years like that.
Sweet gum assassin today climb the biggest in the clump hang the four smaller around them. Feed the chipper the whole thing except the last stick.
Followed by oak over camper with no high tie in and service drop to work over.
Glad tomorrow is light.
All our "treasure" will meet the same fate one day I guess. I heard a message once that this life is like a Monopoly game, when it's over, everything goes back in the box. Or in this case, the dump.
99 % of what we treasure is trash to everyone else.
All our "treasure" will meet the same fate one day I guess.
Recently I emptied my parents house after bereavement. Throwing their whole life in a skip, rather than selling it off for buttons to strangers, was a unforgettable experience (i.e. not pleasant) I kept some photos and my dads spanners, that's all.
I learnt that I will never keep pointless stuff, so I regularly tip stuff, much to the annoyance of my hoarder wife.