How'd it go today?

Had to back out on one this started on a dead Black Oak and it just wasn't stable enough to take down safely by climbing. HO was all fine with it and will call a couple larger companies I referred her to. Sutre would have liked ot take care of it for them but it was the right choice.

Shoulders, etc. got a good workout this afternoon with the pole saw. Trimmed a drive to hayfield for better access for the tractors and fert. guy. Had to climb a couple to get enough height, but mostly hand work. Glad Nic was there to help out.

I'll be trimming there at least the next two mornings from the ground on my lonesome while Nic goes on vacation. i love working at this farm (same one that has the pond I did recently). Work there a week or two every year...and they tip in great BEEF!;)
Well I had a good time learning the pole saw tricks today. Got home and the work began though, packing everyone up to go across the bridge for a few days. Looks like I'll be leaving about 3 am.
Had a great day. A bit wet in the morning but not to hot. Finished that big white oak removal. Left the ground at 8 am, came down when the rope man wedged a piece in the bottom crotch at 10:30( quick snack and drink), and back down at 3. Boss pulled up right as I was notching one of the two spars on this codom. Couldn't understand why I was using the 36" bar. I just hate having to double cut when things get over 24". He apologized for the night before then told me that the golf course across the street had a large pin oak split in half in the morning and just caught the back of a mower( while mowing). No wonder he was being so nice. I was back up to 90 feet by four and dropped the log at 7. Rocked the HitchHiker SRT on both. Really starting to get the hang of it. Only one pic today as I was a bit busy image.jpg
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Thanks. Been through worse. Being a bucket baby this morning. Finishing a job for another crew( rained out Tuesday and had to start a clearing). Going over to' the Timken Farm this afternoon to do a take down in the middle of the woods. 100 acres of woods and they find a tree in the middle of it that worries them. Sore as hell from yesterday.
Alex and I removed some oak limbs from over a house today...HO is selling and wanted the limbs that are starting to rest on the roof removed.

Had to tip tie and lift then base tie to limit swing and then lower with both ropes. Lots of rigging but went well...way too hot today...95, no breeze. Luckily in shade most of the time.

Good news is the neighbor wanted to talk to "the tree guys"...picked up $2000 worth of work next door...mostly limb removals over house, walkways. Will try to get some picts...too hot today to take the time to mess with pictures.
Nice video Grendel...sort yourself out with a chest tether for your HH...saves lots of tending slack by hand as you go up...:)
I use an over the shoulder tether, frequently.

In the case of spurring up a bare trunk, especially a vertical conifer trunk, I"ll tend my hitch and step up a fair bit, getting a negative lanyard angle, still mostly leg propelled, then advance my lanyard. Seems like I get more distance out of each cycle. Comfortable for me.
Another dead twig today. Topped this one out just below 100 foot. Bark falling off in sheets from about 20 feet on up... Limb out, top, chunk and drop 1/2 a stick down a slope. Used Manuel to put the chipper in a lower yard so we only had to ferry the limbs 1/2 way up the hill. Just Mike and I and the kiddos.
Just a shot from part way up... Windy day also. I let the wind push the top over against the lean and weight. Mike was awesome on the rope. Never felt a thing. :D


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Stupid hot here so just knocking out little stuff, back home on the sofa at 2pm, bit of Open Golf, then Tour de France.
I'm a lazy bastard.