Where's Mick. He'd be proud of me. This morning we topped a big beautiful fir, nearly in half, a solid 50' top thrown from the bucket. All in the name of satellite internet. Everyone knows the interwebs trumps tree health every time.
I think I made up for that today.
I might have saved a Sequoia.
Got called out to bid a removal of a Sequoia.
Huge one for around here, since they are quite rare and a recent thing.
Bout 5 foot DBH.
Had to go because they were building a house close to it and were worried about the foundation damaging the roots.
It was on extremely sandy soil, so I figure it has a deep rootsystem in order to get water enough.
Normally here, we do a full foundation on houses, but I asked them if they had considered doing it the American way, with separate concrete posts.
Those could be poured between the roots with a bit of care.
Guy was a builder and he caught on right away, and his wife was excited about maybe being able to keep the tree.
So they'll try to do a root excavation by hand, to find out if it is possible to save the tree.
If not, we kill it.
Be a shame, Sequoias that size are really worth hanging on to.
Got plenty of other work out of the visit, so my time wasn't wasted, even though i temporarily went into tree hugger mode.