How'd it go today?

Went morel hunting with kids.....found some ramps too. Gonna have them with hanger steaks tonight.

Quite the bounty.

We have Great Horned Owls out back. Guess they have enough to eat out there. They have not bothered cats. I wish they would bother the rabbits. Never had much trouble with them till the last couple years. Girdled trees, rose bushes, ate veggies, generally made nuisances of themselves. I might have to try rabbit myself.
Topped and dropped a hollow oak and a small hemlock this afternoon on super short notice. Took less than an hour and I made good money.

woo woo 8)
Been down in Florida the last two weeks.A reunion of one of my sub service crews .Great weather BTW,Tampa.

Rather amusing because my lady friend also has the last name of Smith .People asked how long we've been married .I replied never but we are trying the honey moon first .:D
Al, I'm supposed to ask you if you were on a sub with an Arthur somebody, but I can't remember his last name.:lol: A friend of mine was on the Mauna Loa in the '60's, and his cousin was on (or is it in) a nuke about the same time.
Finished framing the floor for the cantilever bay window after lunch this evening, then decided to start on the rear wall. Got it braced off right before dark.

Mind you it is not all in one block, but with hay land, pasture, and farm ground it would end up being about 10 thousand. Not a huge place for sure. A lot of that is leased, some of the pastures I dont even know how big they are, you just lease them for how many cattle they will run. Just north of me 10,000 acres would only run about 250 cows for the summer. We run 350 right now on much less.

I would love that Stephen. If'n your ever rolling down Highway 2 stop on by! My parents used to have my older cousins from New Jersey work on the farm for the summer. They liked it a lot. Good memories for everyone.
Yes, mind boggling.
The front end and underneath of the kubota is getting whacked a bit by branches so we fabricated this shield from odds and sods in the workshop. Colour is not quite right but otherwise will do the job.


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Finally got the video of the wall going up to upload...Calvin can be heard commenting....:)

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Jim 350 cattle in total on that kind of land? Seems mind boggling to me, the ranch where I dump my chips at on my way to and from town has 5-8 thousand head at any given time? I'll ask the manager next time I bump into him what their land base is?
Looks like Allis orange....a good color. Should be able to push any Citroen off the road!

Calvin approves! I wish I knew how to build a house.

Not all of that land is pasture. 5000 of that is hayland and farm ground. We figure 20 acres per pair for the summer, up north it is 40, out south it is 10.

The South west of the US can be as high as 100 acres, but the ranch in the US with the highest numbers was or is in Florida. Cows per acre down there.

My ranch would fit into the back yard of most Australian outfits.
Took down a couple trees for a guy the other day. He tells me this is a aristocrat pear. I disagree. Looks and smells like cherry. image.jpg image.jpg