How'd it go today?

Yes a lot of testing alright. :D
But these new ones now are built alot more complicated then the last one I set up. Frigging mile of string to lace around the whole thing to hold the screen down.
Working for a Sunday. Had a developer call on Thursday about wanting to break ground on a lakefront building lot by Monday. Million dollar plus home going on a million dollar lot so I threw a number that was borderline ridiculous and they didn't even blink.

No rest for the wicked or me either.
Going to look at installing a HAM radio antennae today, picking up the Ogre from the preschool project, as it's the last day of Spring Break, and cleaning the house.
I had to make a bid about an hours drive away from home.
They couldn't find time to do it on a weekday so I told them, early sunday morning or not at all.
There is absolutely no traffic on the freeways sunday morning and no speed traps either.
So I made it in about ½ hour on the bike, running at a steady 200+ km/hr.
Fun to blow the cobwebs out when there is no cars about and the roads are dry.
That's ~1400 block laid in about 14 hours. Alas, the rest will not go so quickly....

Aside from tree work though, there are few things I enjoy so much as framing.

I set up my new GoPro yesterday and got a bit of the laying in time-lapse, one shot a minute. I hope to get most of the building in time lapse.
We do not build with block over here. Although a builder used treated timbers for a foundation for a while. Thankfully he is gone now.

Why did you choose blocks over forms and concrete?

I really like it, I just dont see much of it over here. I love old brick buildings, a lot!
Block wall foundations are quite common here. I have always liked crawl space foundations rather than slabs. And forming/concrete costs far more than pouring a footing and laying block to build on.
It has to take some extra skill to lay out all those blocks straight though. Those types are long gone here.

We use a lot of crawl space foundations here, just use concrete. A lot of basements are formed now using styrofoam forms that are clipped together. The styrofoam stays in place and provides a good R value.

Fun to learn about other areas.
The old way of doing things is dead. If you want a McMansion built in a subdivision for cheap and in a damn hurry, yes we can do that for you.

If you want some brick work done, well, we can supply you with a fake brick facade from Home Depot that simply screws to the Light Weight walls.

I would rather have a modest home built right than a McMansion.

Maybe I am full of shit, but it seems like the craftsmen are gone.
We (my son-in-law and I) laid out house the way we wanted it. The block guys pretty much follow whatever you give them to work with. The main guy told my SIL that he'd be two years getting in the house because I am so particular. :/:

We spent a bit of extra time squaring the corners. Got them within 1/4" on the diagonals...which on a 38'x62' foundation is 72'8-5/8". It is not easy to pull a steel tape that far and get all the sag out. I did follow them around and have them redo a few block that were not to my satisfaction. :D