How'd it go today?

Still trying to get heat out of my 93 F250 turbo 7.3. New thermostat, blend door free and clear, heater core is hot, only dropping 10 across the core so flow is good. Maybe I am just a wuss?

Been to the accountant for half the day. Working on some refinance stuff. Gonna work on something to save us 200,000 dollars in interest! How did the bank not tell us about this before? Oh, yes. Dumb question!
Well, another round with the banks. I guess they forgot about 100,000 dollars worth of assets. Now they feel better, a holes. We are going to switch banks.

To blow off a little steam I decided to take a little motorcycle ride. It was almost sixty today. Well, backing out of the shop I smashed my foot between a tool box and the floor board of the bike. My folks think it is broken. I am not sure, it is only beginning to change color now.

Got to read a chapter in my EMR book because we have class tonight and I cant miss a class. Showering is going to be fun in a little bit!

This is what I get for trying to have a little fun! Damn and blast.
damn Jim, that's a bummer. Hope it heals up quick man. . . .

Had to haul these logs (three of them) off the beach and sticker them for the mill next summer. Nothing special. But at least I have a cool dog 8)





That dog looks like he had some years on him. Reminds me of my big duke nothing better than a good dog. I hope you get healed up fast jim. Nothing worse than pain in the winter. I ended up going to the emergency room today, I guess the damage to my shoulder was worse than originally found. I have completely separated my shoulder from the collar bone and all ligaments are completely detached. So I guess I'm gonna relax until the decide if I get surgery or is a lost cause.
I did that many yrs ago. seperated clavicle from the shoulder blade and socket tore ligaments.
good surgeon took care of it all and have never had a problem just a lil scar tenderness when logs rest on it.
2nd most painful break. I was a mess with the pain especially when the southern comfort wore
Hope you all get fixed up and heal fast.
Yeah. No kidding.

My dad has two ruined shoulders. One can be fixed and one supposedly cant because the injury is too old. I doubt he will get either one fixed. I KILLS me to see him in pain, and I do mean pain. This is the guy that broke his feet in jump school, faked being okay so they would not wash him out, got casted, cut the casts off because they were in the way and kept jumping.

Get a second opinion for sure and a third if possible. I see my dad now and I would not want that for anyone, especially if there was a chance to get them fixed.

Good luck TimberTramp.
I broke my right shoulder off of my collarbone in 2001. Daily pain. It's been better the last year, as I haven't been hewing, but it still sucks.

Of all the things that got fried in my electric disaster, my alarm clock is pissing me off the most. I went to the store yesterday and came home with a $13 POS from GPX. Almost impossible to program, just a total piece of crap. I just got up to the farm a few minutes ago and my mother showed me the one my father got a couple months ago. Same piece of crap, which he abandoned. I went on Ebay, and found dozens just like the one I had. Best price? $1.99 or best offer.:lol: Only thing is, they keep calling them vintage. Hey! I bought it new in '87, does that mean I'm vintage?:/: I'm beginning to think GPX stands for Giant Piece of X%!#.