How'd it go today?

Rare for a Saturday, took the day off. Took Palmer out to an island and let him chase a stick. I can hardly believe we are into October and still getting in the water. The water is trying to creep below 80, but still has not done it. Sweet.

Water was 81-82 in the Indian River at the inlet today Gigi. I'll post a couple pictures in a bit, got to catch up on over 450 posts here. Jeez, you folks talk a lot!
saw about 4cm of rain today, tried out the new goretex on a tree tour at the local arboretum, two hours in downpour, bone dry, except my tootsies, guess my new work boots arent water proof. :)
oh, did a couple estimates on the way out to the arboretum. tomorrow looks like an office day, 2 designs to get done and rain forecast.
Hmm I spent the day repairing some broken floor boards(oak) and then started stripping the finish off of the rest of the stuff. Tomorrow morning, I get to finish stripping the floor, and re staining it to all match. :D
Today started out brisk while I bid some stuff then warmed up near 60 for the hewing of the horrible hedge.(sheared some big old juniper hedge along the street) Yesterday!! High in the 30's, 90% plus humidity, gray, cloudy and gloomy First really cold day of the season and Matt just about turned blue waiting on me to get up into the gnarly old spruce hanging over the fence and garage. We got it down, chipped,bucked out one saw log and a pile of firewood and ground the stump so it was an okay we went to the chinese buffet for lunch and hit the jackpot on eats.
Today wqas 5 spikeless 35 foot climbs. Didnt have a ground man so carried saw with me. Close to applicain trail so tree are huge. Can you ID this kinda tree.?
check out the monster on the right.

Thats at about 30 feet up and it must be at least 37 inches. Wow what a monster compared to the big leaf magnolia on the left?
Close to applicain trail so tree are huge. Can you ID this kinda tree.?

Looks like parallel venation to me...sourwood? Kinda blurry...are the edges sawtoothed..if so, maybe hickory?

I don't think we have any Buckeyes down here..I've only seen them in Ohio, never any in GA...but I beed wrong before.
Another Saturday of estimating down the drain..............ahhhhhhhh my one day off/week starts now!
Hmm instead of refinishing the refinish job in the hallway that went bad....I just installed some nice new carpet. It's just not the right time of the year for stain here.

Otherwise I went grocery shopping in the next city along with a trip to Lowes for a minor OCGD fix
Topped a big leaf maple from 70 feet down to 10 feet as instructed.
The tree was all over the 12 kv. Rigged the hell out of it.

Then we "raised the skirt" of 4 redwoods. I thought we raised it way too much.
But, again it was someone else's job.

Then I lifted a TanOak off of some linedrops.

Whatever, tomorrow it's a Euc dumping and maybe some pine trims.
The great thing is all the brush stays whereever it lands.

I'd take pictures but I think it's gonna be pretty boring.

Did I mention I'm a wee bit exhausted. I think I'm on day 21 straight.
I did a consultation Saturday for an older couple. 30 year old house on 5 acres. I was there to give a pruning estimate for a couple of large fruit trees and walk the garden with them to give advice about their landscape.

Started looking around and found many of the red alder were leaning with stress cracks in the lower trunk. large fruiting body on a bigleag maple, past failures of maple, alder, black cottonwood, two conks on another alder, mushrooms at the base of a failed alder spar....

Told the client " you NEED to have aproper arborist report and hazard tree evaluation done, you have a number of trees with many signs of decline and major potential for failure, in the meantime, stay well clear of these trees. "

Then they started telling me about the grandkids birthday party a couple weeks ago, 12 kids clambering about in the trees, playing hide and seek under them etc.