How'd it go today?

couple more shots. we dont get a lot of fall color around here so I dig it when it comes round. :)
Wow Paul, sounds like my kinda day! Except I probably couldn't afford to live on a schedule like that. :cry:

3 jobs today. First was pulling vines out of 3 big oaks and a few smaller trees along a subdivision entranceway. Some deadwooding on the big oaks as well, although they weren't bad since I climbed all of them about 2 years ago. Much faster and easier with the bucket (damn I'm getting spoiled!).

Second job was some minor trimming on 3 oaks- a little elevation over the house and just the big deadwood. I was able to set up inbetween all of them in the driveway and got everything from one setup. That took about an hour and then we went to lunch (12:30).

After lunch I got a couple big dead limbs out of a dying oak that were over the power lines (city won't let them cut it down but it's rotten and falling apart, a real danger). Trimmed a couple other trees back from the building and elevated over the parking lot, and trimmed a palm tree. Was done and had the truck parked by 3:30.

Tomorrow I have a short day, only a couple hours. Clean up one big Camphor that's all over a house (shades 70% of the roof), trim a dozen palms and touch up a couple small trees. Will be done and home before lunch.
Quit work at four and went to a hot spring place I hadn't been to before, kinda out in the boonies. They had a real good sauna and deep plunge ice water wooden tub, as well as the hot spring baths. They also serve micro-brewery beer in their cafe there. A great place to get layed back!


Did you do the ice water plunge?? :\:
Today was a maintenance day. Cleaned up saws, did some chain filing, changed the oil in my 3/4 ton & cleaned the K&N air filer. Tomorrow I'll prolly be tearin' into the 3/4 ton's front end... new ball joints and new outer axleshaft u-joints. Repack the bearings while I'm in there. I hate doin' ball joints!!!

Dang, Gary... I'll be your "parts runner" if y'need ?!? LOL
I'd much rather have done ball joints (my truck is in dire need of tie rods & shocks/ mounts), than to have to go to work in THIS today !!! :
You're funny, Paul. I know you're in my neck o' the woods, so SNOW ain't no surprise...., But, CRIKEY !!! This was / is a WHITE-OUT ! Holy chit ! LOL
It never let up. I wore all my heavy winter gear + a raincoat... no help. I have GOT to make some $$$ >>> The work is SOLD ! Try to convince folks to still have their trees pruned when there's 2" of SNOW on 'em !!! LMAO !!!
I came home, fuggit.
today we tried log splitting ,that was until the BRAND NEW splitter fell apart literally,that was after every hose came loose and we lost about 4 litres of hydro oil..

Every single nut and bolt came loose as well,or rattled off and got lost..
Rain and thunderstorms this morning, so no work again. Now it's dropping the first snow of the season.
Sigh... I miss summer already.
had an office day today. two estimates out the door, one landscape design started. then off to a garden club to give a pruning talk/semniar. went well, about 50 folk there, almost 2 hours. handed out lotsa cards, looks like a pile (small) of work to attend to now. and some knowledge spread. :)
today we tried log splitting ,that was until the BRAND NEW splitter fell apart literally,that was after every hose came loose and we lost about 4 litres of hydro oil..

Every single nut and bolt came loose as well,or rattled off and got lost..

Jees Lee, not having much luck there are you mate !!! :\:
The chipper is still in 2 thousand peices, dark on friday nite..

Hmmmmm, a few more people to postpone..

The upside is i got most of what i need on the truck for my roof rack..
I ve so wanted it on for ages, now i think it looks silly?
no other than the few probs I had [H&S add ons I might add] the splitter is the bomb ,she splits like crazy,she's only 13 ton but she's split everything i've put to it..

PS you get anything in the post from me yet..:P :D
Major trimmed a large Zelkova today. After all day in a bucket hanging from a crane, just as we were about to pack up, the old guy comes out of the house and says he wants all the branches removed, and doesn't care if the tree dies. I got dropped off to cut where the main leads diverged, another guy got lifted up seven times to cable to the crane. We got out of there at dark> I'm beat. The crane operator who ran the job gave me some extra pay, plus next year's firewood stash got a good early start.
Took down a POS multi stemmed lawson cypress that had collapsed and was leaning over a conservatory and fence etc. It was 'cable braced' with some dodgy wire and gripples that had grown into it. It was a real PITA to take down. lumps hanging off cables everywhere LOL

Then the next door neighbour reversed her car out into the dump trailer and blamed me LOL even though I told her i'd move when she was ready to go out :X
Oh and the client gave me his old chainsaw which is a little Stihl MS180 which should come in handy as a trainning saw or something :D:lol:
Rare for a Saturday, took the day off. Took Palmer out to an island and let him chase a stick. I can hardly believe we are into October and still getting in the water. The water is trying to creep below 80, but still has not done it. Sweet.
I drove my son into Lexington for a 'sword seminar'. Three hours of sticks and stories. Interesting. (I stayed for about an hour)
Erie and Niagara Counties got blasted with heavy wet snow thursday night. We got work for the rest of the winter. Power is still out in some areas.
Any tree that hadn't dropped it's leaves yet suffered. Really a shame, alot of trees are gonna have to be removed, some of them there's nothing left but a trunk and broken stubs.
I'll take pics.