How'd it go today?

I got a call yesterday from someone wanting a quote over the phone. I know everyone likes those. It turns out that it was another tree service, All American Tree Service and he wanted to either sub the job out or hire me as a day climber. I charged $300 to get the tree, a big silver maple with nothing underneath it, on the ground. It took me a little over two hours to get it on the ground.

Well it turns out he didn't have any ground help or saws that were big enough to cut the 42" diameter trunk. So I had to cut up the log for him. The guy fell off a roof in May and can't climb anymore (if he ever could) and can barely run a saw. He was excited to see what I could do and is interested in using me in the future. Winter is coming and I am trying to leave all doors to potential sources of income open. This guy brings very little to the table though. If I do jobs for him I will be propping up a hack who despite doing tree work most of his adult life seems to have very to offer in the way of skills.

I also discovered why he calls himself All American Tree Service. He hates Mexicans. He couldn't seem to to rag on them enough despite my polite and muted responses.
Yeah , me too. She is hacking and coughing, moaning and can barely speak but I suspect/hope that it is only a rotten rhinovirus.

Worst part about your wife getting a virus is you know that you're next.
Ah but if you think that way then it will be a forgone conclusion.

I stayed healthy while my wife and daughter were sick. I just kept thinking about how I could not possibly afford to take time off and that if I got sick I would work anyway, so I might as well stay healthy.
Going through all my nylon slings, looking at stiching. Washing the chipper, looking cracks in welds, or loose bolts. Sharpening chains. Re-organize the mosh pit of gear. Sounds exciting, doesn't it.
Going through all my nylon slings, looking at stiching. Washing the chipper, looking cracks in welds, or loose bolts. Sharpening chains. Re-organize the mosh pit of gear. Sounds exciting, doesn't it.

Weather must be same for you, rain.
I'm sure you southern boys will have plenty to clean up tomorrow.

The storm is about to hit hear in NJ any minute.

Bad to hear that 11 people died today because of that storm.