Today I went to help a guy bid a big job on a property that's undergoing a house renovation.
Probably theres 3 days work there, or at least, that's what I advised him to bid. A bunch of removals, including a couple 100ft grand firs which I think I can top at 20 ft to make them fit inside the boundary, and save a lot if time. just hope none of the other bidders see it that way as its all factored into the quote. I hope we get it because I get 2 days chipper hire as well as my normal rate.
Work is still patchy here, a lot of desperate guys around bidding jobs for next to nothing. Only saving grace is the height factor at least keeps a most of the lower skill-set companies out of the running. Hopefully things will pick up in March.
Right now I'm just watching paint dry, literally. Doing some spraying outside and about ready to put on another coat. Just thought I'd check in seems as I'm just stood here