How'd it go today?

Id kill myself if sentenced to life in jail. No way I'd finish my entire life in a dirty, violent cage full of men raping each other.
Its not clean, and I don't want to live my life hearing men pig roast each other, consensual or not. Its just not my scene. Im more into the free world, good looking wife scene.
Man, derailsRus here at the House!

BTW, it was the being in a cage thing, not the gangbangs that I objected to.
Stephen and Stig glad you still above ground, things happen quick, this line of work is a gamble.
Stephen, I hardly ever read this thread...when I do you and Stig have gotten banged up. Sorry to see that cut...hope it's doing better already. Gonna be sore awhile, I reckon.
Glad you guys are ok!

I have a pretty pattern of black and red holes across the nail of my left index finger...funny, they are an exact match for the silky...good thing the blade is a bit dull.

Three days of hand pruning overgrown apples, actually really enjoying it, no more than three feet off the ground, no hot chainsaw gear, no saw noise, good radio channel to listen to, fresh fruit everywhere.
Good peaches, pears and cherries still to go. Summer pruning because they've all gotten out of hand, no-one's worried about the fruit crop particularly.
It's fool's play not to have an escape route when cutting trees. Some situations where you are backed up against something and the escape is restricted, even when a straight forward easy fall, i feel a little uncomfortable with it.

Pulling lots of trees today by a river. The Maasdam as usual is a very useful tool. Switched from a timber hitch to a running bowline, guess I'm liking it better. I suspect the timber hitch probably weakens the rope less, if it came down to it.
I don't frequent this thread as often as I should. Being a couple of my buds here got banged up in recent days and I didn't even know about it.

My apologizes. Now heal up and don't let it happen again. You hear?

I sprang my foot last weekend. Been limping around since. Bad part is I can not figure where I did it. I was able to use the clutch today. First day in 5 I was out.

What next?