How'd it go today?

Sounds a muddy mess to me Stig.

The way things are going, we will probably have to rent a large chipper if we can sell it to some of the clients. I have pretty much kept most the clearing work at a minimum this year due to the dry weather. I do have A LOT of burn piles from last spring through fall that need to go away. Some near roads. So we will try and sell a week here and there with different clients and have them cover the cost on a unit at a month rate or something. We still have until May for rain. Have to lay back and see what happens. Move more tree work forward and keep pushing clearing clients back. SO long as the piles don't endanger structure or passage to property, they can sit till next year. It is out of our hands. There are places we would have to have a yarder set up and some material you would not want to run through any one's chipper.
Even a chipper would have to have fire fighting gear, water etc to run off road at this point. Cut all grass around it.......
Not bad, finished butchering some sweet chestnuts, got paid, went home, my delicate flower of a new climber/groundsman who is always off with some mysterious ailment cried off for the week. I hate that he always texts because he's too cowardly to speak to me. In the latest missive he apologises and says that his "head is all over the place" WTF is that supposed to mean?
After fumble forking around for three hours I finally got my social security started on line at least .I'm not going to retire just draw the stuff I've paid into for 50 years .I've earned it by George .

Had good intentions of dropping couple of leaners left by the wind storm mid Dec. but it decided to snow so that was that .Maybe tommorrow.
I was about ready to go down to the stih boxers today lol beautiful weather though, but hope rain is on its way soon....
Went with a friend to work on a small hydro plant, about 200kw. It was down for a while to have part of the alternator repaired and some of the wickets seized up. Can't have any sticky wickets.:/:
We slayed a monster mountain hash today.

Heh Stephen. That's bogus of you're insurance agent. I can name as many additionally insured as I want and they make me up cover letters stating that for free. They do like half a dozen for me automatically on each renewal. All the local municipalities, school board, and a private road contractor. I bet the agent/broker is socking it to you.
We slayed a monster mountain hash today.

Heh Stephen. That's bogus of you're insurance agent. I can name as many additionally insured as I want and they make me up cover letters stating that for free. They do like half a dozen for me automatically on each renewal. All the local municipalities, school board, and a private road contractor. I bet the agent/broker is socking it to you.

Up side is once it is done, it is done, They send the client a new one every renewal.
But yes, I feel like I was lacking some Vaseline. Not a lot of money... just enough to piss ya off and hurt the bottom line a tad. No worries though.... I'll get it back one way or another :evil:
I get tagged for $50 for Additionally Insureds. Cheaper premiums though. I usually only need one or two a year.

Made it through that nasty alder hang-up. A large part of the green belt consists of old, tall, decaying alders. Erik got some pics and video, which I'll have to get from him, maybe tomorrow, and I did a bit of helmet cam-action. Hope it turned out somewhat.

The failed alder was laid up into a double trunk alder. The load was almost all on the one lead, pushing it an easy 10' at the tips, maybe more. I climbed an adjacent maple to have a second climb line that would allow me to swing out if things started moving or cracking or anything. Took a bit of time, but came in on the target hourly alright. Hung two block and tip tied the tree. Walked it down, dancing it around some big rhodies and a bunch of small trees they've planted. Eventually cut it up til it hung vertically under the blocks and danced it down more, the whole time keeping as much load on the ground with the butt. Chunking a foot and a half at a time. Finally lowered the last 25' over into the Arbor Trolley, nipped off the ends for manueverability and balance, and we double teamed it on flat then downhill paths to a dump spot. Used the AT for several other loads, then rolled the bulk of the remaining chunks downhill into tall bushes.

Did some additional hangers and deadwooding in the maple as an add-on.

Went to the doctor while I still have insurance to get a Rx for massage therapy. Carrying little D all the time on my one side (she has a very strong preference for my left arm, since I'm right handed and I always have carried her in my left arm). Only thing now is that she's thirty pounds, and like to be up as high as possible. Stress is showing in my upper back, too. Any getting massages is usually a good thing in general, too.
I feel you Sean. Carrying Ocean for the last 11 months is wrecking havoc on my back/neck/hamstrings!
Glad you got the alder down safe, those things just POP like crazy.
Working up the motivation to get this back together again. The ghetto one ton will live again. The front cover on the old 460 rotted through. Actually just waiting for the shop to get nice and toasty this morning.

460's are the worst for some reason. I have a 93 with a 460 and had an intermittent coolant leak on the front of the engine. Seal behind the front cover was leaking. Yep, mine looked the same way yours does for a week before i worked up the courage! Good luck!
You're going to have to take pictures upside down. Seems like smartphones won't allow it though, as I have found that you can't text and do a standing hamstring stretch...damn you smartphone. ha.
Nice sunny day here, mid 20's, no wind.

Took down a nice size two leader maple today. Dead leader partially over a house/deck/boat in the driveway. Set rigging and climb lines in the good leader and pieced out the dead one. Dropped the dead stem and did the same for the live one. Everything went really well. About three hours total.

I used my little Omni-Block on a loopie for the rigging terminal. I swear, I use this pulley for almost everything.

Hope everyone had a good saturday.


It's ok here too. iPhone.

Got the timing set off. The replacement set is clocked differently. My truck was running with the advanced timing position on the crank sprocket. I don't know by how many degrees but it's clear by the three positions it could be in(advanced,0, and retarded)that it was in the advanced position. The replacement set only has one position 0TDC. This truck ran awesome and it's on straight propane. I don't want to change the base timing from where it was at. So I'm back to researching.