How'd it go today?

Still made 5 bills for the day on two small trees with hardly any out lay, and got the rest of all my errands done... Did I mention I got another estimate and job out of all this :lol:
Ran Skid-steer all morning yesterday organizing the landing, then knocked down the remainder of what was standing in afternoon. Done with my first woods.

I learned quite a bit on this job, and improved each day. Travis told me I was picking up well on the way things flowed and such. The Boss, of course, would like to see a bit more production, but I'm confident that will happen judging from how this job went.

Day off today...
Jay, I've been meaning to get out the camera just haven't gotten to it, or forgot, being new to things and all.

Only managed to click off one when we arrived the first day.Doesn't show much. Had to drag across this field to get to landing where pic was taken from.

Ha, I broke mucho cables when I started. Hard to believe, now:lol:
I don't know what size it is (or much about the things in general).

Travis runs the skidder and runs a saw when/if he has time. He just joined here a few days ago. I cut &, when needed, climb .
We did a job for some friends of mine today. It's slow here a bit as all of a sudden there's not a snowflake in sight and it's been as warm as plus 10c in the last few days. I've been eating up my winter cream tree jobs like crazy. Big fir leave debris with only a tel line sort of in the way. I ran the 'ropes' and watched the pile grow. It had a lean down the sidehill so as a leave debris I barely had to contend with any debris.

No pics though. Forgot my phone in the truck. I'm trying to take more pics this year.
I have an interesting tree to deal with tomorrow. A forest alder that is down in a hole which tipped over into another double trunk alder. Laying up at about 45 degrees. I had told them about this one before, 5 years ago. Had it not held up in the second alder, it may have reached the high power primaries next to their house. Its bent the one stem of the double alder a good ways. I'm hoping to video tomorrow with a helmet cam. Haven't had work, and had family stuff, since I've gotten it. A good 80' tall maybe a little more. A couple hangers to get off other trees, and a bid for the neighbor (with the ringing endorsement of the alder HOs).
Looking forward to seeing the job, Sean. Needless to say, but you be careful now, hung up trees and all. One of my own closest calls involved one of those.....I mean like holy shat!
Can't wait to see your pictures Sean :)

Now the last couple days have been interesting and have kept me on the edge of my type A personality tolerance for random crap.

We have been bidding on multiple jobs at an apartment complex. The corporation that owns this one has more and also want us possibly to bid on them. They called right before the holidays and I told them after the first of the year, we would handle all the bids then. So we land one of 4 thus far. I send them the insurance cert etc... Schedule the work... They call on Tuesday afternoon (we start the removal Thursday, today) and say they want specific wording on the description part of the certificate :? Now mind you, we were told this is all good to go a week ago. I had a client reschedule so I had these days open and slid them in.. Notices have been sent to the tenants etc.
So yesterday morning I hammered the phone to get this shat done. Katy is sick at home and I had her monitor the phone and e mail to move the papers as they came in so we could work there today. I was told that morning that there would be a $100.00 charge for the new paper... Basically, the way it is worded, we are adding their corporation as an insured to my insurance?:? I have never run into this before. I am not happy about it, but ok.. they will invoice me, and I will probably land a lot of work for the little outlay on top of the outlay.
I get a call at the job site.. They want money now instead and it is now almost 150.00 :X
I called the managers that are very apologetic, and they even say that this is a new one on them.
I explain the situation and the rescheduling now for over a month out. We still have an agreement and the work will proceed then.
We have been back and forth on the wording 3X now and it is now kind of pissing me off......
Stuck with the bid price, I better get more work .... Still falls in the bid time frame.
Well all works out I guess....

Katy is down with the flue as are two of the kids.
So I can't have day care for sick kids and am down one person on the crew which is a safety factor as there is foot traffic by where we are working.
Amazing how things work out.
So I saved in day care the next two days 1/2 of what the bill is gonna cost.
Off to work... Just moved a mistletoe job forward for the next two days.
Burning has been completely shut off. So all those clients are on hold that require it.
My management (and anger management) skills are now required to be on level 11.
Game on! :lol:
Do you think you'll get a burn permit this year, weather being what it is in Cali right now?

Here it is the opposite.
We logged mature beech all day in rain and sleet, yuk.
Wet, cold and miserable and the skidder turns everything into a mud bath.

That is a day to be thankful for my hottub:)