How'd it go today?

Heh there's nothing boring about found money. Busted a hydraulic fitting on my grapple today. A first for that but it still sucked royally.
ImageUploadedByTapatalk1374113343.348572.jpg Was going to climb this dead pine which measured 90' took a second look then shot a line on the top with Bigshot. I was able to cut and leave with no clean up. Done by lunch. Good day things are looking up. Thank God! Here is my helper and I after. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1374113593.643614.jpg
Oh yeh! Strong as an Ox! Tree was leaning opposite way toward home. So we used a block attached to another tree for mechanical advantage we cinched it down pretty good then I cut an open face and immediately the tree was almost straight so I yelled to relieve some tension to reduce the chance of Barber chair. He didn't tie it back off and was holding it. Began the back cut then started driving wedges. Saw got jammed so I whacked the wedges some more while he pulled on the rope. His location was just a couple feet out where it was landing. I asked if he could pull and he put all his weight/strength on it. Once it started hitting other trees shit started flying everywhere! tree landed exactly where we planned though. I couldn't see him and yelled are you ok? He was good! He is about 290 lbs. I asked where he ran and he pointed to his trail. I said man looks like a herd of pigs came through here! He replied no I took off like a graceful Gazelle being chased by a Lion! We just started laughing I guess you had to be there? Sorry to ramble :D I am still pretty new to felling but have improved a good bit this year. I used to climb everything but time is money so if I can drop it I will.
I did get out a chainsaw today for the first time in months .We had some storm damage a week ago .About 15 minutes with the little 024 and back to drinking beer .Little rascal started in 4 all is good .
Hotter than he'll here today. Seriously roasting for here. We started at 5:30 today, finished up a job taking out like 19 or 20 pines. Bleh 2.5 days of 40' trees. Fell clean up repeat. Some had to be boomed to take down. Yawn but pays the bills.
I feel like a wimp, pooping out at 86*! You guys have it HOT! Not nice, I feel for you.
For some reason the humidity here is staying low...only 70% today and hasn't hit the usual 90' I am counting my blessings compared to what you chaps are dealing with.
Beetle infested Grey pine in 103 F. Tops crispy and a few green limbs... I hate grey pines but they keep the lights on.
Some lowered, some lifted, some dropped.
Dame tops were crispy enough that when you stuck your gaffs in, bark fell off and chucks of pine popped off. Fun fun. Dude has no 5th wheel hook up on his truck so trailer stayed. Not enough room to flop the tree as he wanted his trees undamaged. Paid well though and I will be back on his live oaks.
Mini made for easy work "craning" the pine limbs up and out of the live oak behind it.


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It's been a hot week here, that heat wave is brutal stuff. Mostly a week of removals, big to small, with some random small jobs thrown in Wednesday.

One of those was pruning all this vine crap off a hot ass roof. Man, I'm glad I'm not a roofer, I don't see how they do it when it's this hot out, I was roasting alive up there it seemed. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1374326044.765289.jpg
We're going to a family reunion today too, but not our family. We've sort of been adopted though, we go every year. Barbecue!
Sticky, twisty nasty buggers that make money by dying,,, Not my favourite tree. But I guess there are worse to deal with.

Was a fast turn around to the family thing, I ain't 20 or 30 something any more. Used to be I could drive for a couple days straight, 8 hours tuckers me out pretty good. :lol:

They had a slide show of family pictures of my uncle. Some really good stuff. Was good to see him in the pictures how I remember him.
My cousin roasted a lamb on a spit over a fire. Kids had a blast. Lots of cousins to play with. Katy even had fun listening to the old family stories of all our mishaps growing up.
Got home about 12:30 am. Daddys turn to rest now :)