How'd it go today?

I got the final numbers on all the wood we've logged on private land this season.
We don't get paid in total untill all the wood is out of the woods and measured.
We get paid on account during the season, of course, and the trick is not to be too optimistic and set the account too high, in which case we would have to pay something back.

This year we had for some reason ( Martin being WAY more productive than his first season, is my guess) set the account very low, so once I got it all tallied up, I realized that we were owed close to a month's wages for 4 guys:D:D:D

Still haven't quite gotten my arms down.
Today was a good day in all. Yet it was a day I just kept doing dumb S***! I was taking down a Chinese Tallow that was a bean pole really with the wind kicking up to 15-20 mph at times. So I decided to be smart and go up about half way and top it off there. No problem, came down beautifully! I am becoming more confident in taking larger sections down. Then I stop the saw and kind of give it a toss where I can catch the saw lanyard and ease it down. Suddenly I realize I unhooked the saw lanyard! So I try to grab it as it flies out of reach. Lol, I know I am not catching it so at the last second I decide to push it to get it to land flat on the grass 20' down. Kinda pulled it off? Well the saw is ok just cracked one corner of the plastic around the torx screw on starter recoil side. Good thing it's only MS 192. A little later I go to unload the firewood that a friend is allowing me to keep at his place. I back in the gate halfway with just the trailer in the yard. He has goats so I close the gate against the trailer so they don't escape! Plan failed? Not thinking about them going underneath the truck! So I am unloading wood and decide to cut a few pieces that were too long right quick. Started cutting the wood with my MS 250 and it stops cutting through the wood and dies. Got fuel,sharp chain, new plug, etc.., D*** it now I need to figure this out this issue. I turn around and all the goats are walking down the street! Urggggh, I start calling them and they just run further down the street all 9 of them! I am very good at getting animals to run further away when I want them to come to me :D :D So I finally decide to walk casually down the street and not look in their direction. Turn once I get around them and start herding them back in as some try to run the other way. After about 15 minutes of this nonsense I pull it off. Ah success! So I pick up my trailer gate and try to shoo them off then hurry up and pull out this little dirt road with a culvert covering the ditches and cut the wheel too short. Now stuck like chuck and hoping the trailer doesn't tip over since I still had a good load to take to the dump. Well I got it out miraculously :D No animals were harmed! Anyway sorry to ramble overall good day just one of my what was I thinking days! Note to self: get at least 6 hours of sleep tonight. Hopefully my ramble was entertaining just had to let loose !
That thought crossed my mind as well :).

Come visit us, Stig.

Thanks, I will.

But not until next summer as we need time to save up for it.
Martin has never seen or climbed the big trees, we want to remedy that:)
Yes it was one of them days. :)

One of those for me as well, my truck has a major problem so I was off to just grind a stump close to home. Cops pulled me over for a random breath test at 10.30am, six cars and about a dozen highway patrol cops.

Reckoned my trailer was out of rego because it didn't have a sticker, [stickers are not required since earlier this year] lucky I had the papers handy.

Got to the job without a breakdown, put protection on his new garden wall and put ramps up no problem. Go to start grinder:O battery is dead. Unhook, back truck down and jump start it and hook up again. Get up ramps ok, start grinding a bit slow because of windows and stall. That's happened about ten times in twenty years. Take battery out of truck etc.

Get home put everything in the back yard and go to start my pickup that I rarely drive but did a few times last week. Out of gas, [LPG] gauge on dash shows 1/4 full but on tank says empty. Won't start on petrol/gas, good battery nearly went flat trying.:slam2:

Stuck here for now, no goats though.:drunk:
I myself am prone to days where its just a loss and a battle all day. But I was once told "There will be many good days ahead", by a wise old junkyard owner who is worth MILLIONS in cash, nevermind assets. Its true. Some days are a bust, but think of all the days you have where you smile at the end when you figure out the excellent net. Plus, in this line of work, making it home safe and sound is always a win. There's so many ways to have a really HORRIBLE day in this work that we must keep it mind that the small things are just that, small.
Busy as usual the last several weeks in addition to working 10 or 12 hours per day .

Did get my little garden planted though .Nothing special just some tomatos and cucumbers .
Limbed-up 8 White Pines today. This was #2 at 90+°F ... good day!

meh ... I've been lucky with the heat (genetics) ... I sweat like a lawn sprinkler and drink LOTS of water ;)

I once bicycled 105 miles at 105ºF ... but I ain't ever doing that again ... those days are SO OVER ;)
Nice, feeling the heat here too.

White pines aren't a fun one too climb when its so hot. I've found theres a lot more sap on them when its hotter out.