How'd it go today?

From what I can piece together Butch, I would have dressed the hitch up when I started moving on my gaffs. I took a step or two upwards to get my lanyard above the limb I was about to cut. I only stepped up a foot maybe and was going to lanyard in. It was raining and in that step I think I gaffed out. I use a split tail. The split tail and line itself are different ropes. I was climbing on a Samson green and white climb line, pretty new to me and I haven't climbed on it much at all. I think the combo of the two ropes might not be good. I don't know. Ive had many tautline hitches loosen up while moving around, but usually not bad and only loose enough that I descend a few inches slowly until I lift up on the tail of my hitch to snug it up. Maybe this combo doesn't hold well? I just don't know. Ive climbed on this combo of split tail and rope before, I believe. I grabbed this rope out of my gear because I cleaned out and sorted through my climbing gear tub yesterday and when I put the gear back in, I left this rope on top. I noticed it and thought "This one is about new and I should retire my current favorite and give this a whirl for a while".....
Man that really sux. As MB says you need to figure out what happened. Its been a long time since I climbed on a taught line but I never recall them getting loose. Hopefully you will be fine mentally after this but I had a lot of problems for a few years after my 37' fall. Finally out of desperation I went to a hypnotist and that sorted my head out, prior to that I was always just waiting to fall, no fun. Takes a while for those brain cells to mend from the concusion so be aware that your judgement may be way off for a while so don't do anything too technical for a while......
I think I understand what happened, more or less. A Tautline hitch needs to be constantly checked on and redressed, and that's all there is to it.

Keep your shit tight, brothers!


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Good message to remember to slow down and check and double check Chris... You are alive.
Being that the line was new, it is a little more slippery than one that is fuzzed up after being used a bit. Rally have to make sure that knot hold and sit back into it before you move on.
Sorry you took a hit Chris. You are alive with minimal injury. This is a good thing.
Mentally I feel fine about climbing. My feelings are that a few things lined up at once to create a bad event. I feel comfortable in climbing trees still and the ways I go about it. I think id be more upset if it was something related to free climbing or cutting a single point of attachment. I know in my heart I move about trees safely and cautiously. I accepted pretty quickly that it was an odd freak issue. Something I often tell people, and its very true, is that Im afraid of heights. I respect height and have an honest fear of it. I trust most trees I encounter, and the gear I use. I will however, try a different split tail with that particular climb line. I cant prove or disprove what happened, but I can eliminate a suspicious variable. If for no other reason, just to be comfortable. My head is pounding bad now. Im done typing tonight. The computer screen is bothering me bad.
Your incident reminded me of a few years ago when I got caught in the rain with a new rope. My hitch would not hold. I think I was still using a 42 Blakes. So, I lanyarded in and re-tied it as a 53 Blakes and finished the rest of the job, OK. As I recall the rope had a relatively high wax content. That could have been part of the problem today.
Geez, count your blessings and heal up and be careful, gravity's a bitch.
Probably having a concussion.
If that is all, I'd say you got off easy.

That much of a fall can really wreck a person, I'm glad you didn't get hurt worse.
Nasty, Chris. Wet rope AND new rope...especially slick combination. Glad it seems no worse, but watch the cuncussion aspect, those symptoms can sneak up on a person.
Guess the man upstairs thinks you have some work left to do. Glad you're ok Chris. :)

And thanks for posting about it too.. it's a sobering reminder that this stuff can happen to any of us on any given day.

Make the best of the downtime and let yourself heal up before you get back at it.
Damn is my back tight today! Hot showers, and anti inflammatory. Im going to a blakes hitch or VT. Im not pinning blame, Im going to work a new style to give myself comfort. Even kif it adds up to nothing, its just to ease the mind. I did a lot of thinking today and the old SuiceSlide hitch will be retired. Its a good hitch, and has carried many a climber through a safe career, but its time to use a more stable hitch, for me anyways.
Low and slow.. Get what ever you are going to use dialed in. Then get jiggy wit it. Hope you feel better soon Chris...

My day was short.. Finished the clean up on the slope from hell. Nice to have that one behind me.
Came home early and finished up the dog house made from recycled material ... Setting it up as well as some goat sheds and feed bins to be movable by mini... Pallets are cheap as is scrap wood. Plywood I have to retire every so often from plywood roads. Siding was some old decking. Roof, sheet aluminum from a printing place.
Came out pretty good...


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