How'd it go today?

Nice day live oak removal buck and load in the dump trailer. Was all fine till I went to come out of the spot I was in. I thought ok someone tripped the break away. I wished anyway! I had perfectly backed over a sink hole, which decided it wanted to cave.

Warn to the rescue!
New router today so am back online... been a while.

Finished with trees for this year barring any emergencies. Plenty of trimming on tap for next Spring. Time to break out the cauldron, mix up a batch of chili, and pick Banjo for a couple months.:)
Heard last nite of yet another tree guy getting broke into and cleaned out, his bldg had cameras and alarm but they did it hit and run, too fast to stop them.
yes, fairfield, norwalk, monroe. Word is they are headed to Oxford...
I would love to hook a high-impedance electric fencer up to a crime target (bucket truck) and have a video running to catch the action. I never got the full jolt from the one I own, but animals don't go back for a second helping. Impressive sounding crack/tazer quality.
The highlight of the day was seeing one of these guys. We are working through some large old Zelkovas, hundreds of years old trees, trying to make sense out of lots of dead wood, and I think he must have come down in a crane pick. The Japanese Giant Flying squirrel. I saw some movement in some brush, and we had a face to face for a few seconds. Never saw one before. It took off running up a tree then I saw it do a beautiful glide down to another location. They can really soar with abrupt changes of direction. Muscular appearing animals with a wide wing span, it was a little startling when he popped out. I don't believe that they tend to be very active during the daylight hours, a rare chance to see one close up in the wild. It was obvious that it takes care of it's own business.


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:thumbup: Paul..

Saws ate up about 2.5 gallons of fuel toady on a pine that one codom fell off of. I still have the other side I have to fell out with some mechanical advantage. Should be fun as it's only 1/2 a tree But there is still 42-45 " of wood left. Told the lady no promises on the surrounding oaks :lol: Leaning real hard the wrong way and I ain't climbing it with the soils as saturated as they are and 1/2 the trunk missing. :lol: She agreed. :D Not working on that tomorrow, same place, but there is another grey pine laying in one of her oaks. Going to set a high like and work the tips out of the oak, then walk the rest of the trunk down. All in a horse pasture so we are making it more safe for her and the horses. Just miss fences etc. Should be fun :) Burn all the wood and slash. Put any material handling equipment in there, you won't get it back out until spring :lol:
Third day of rain this week and blowin too. I finally got the lift at 1:00 and busted out two 80' Oaks over a primary and a 60' pine all by 4:30. Damn. Now I know why Brendon got that truck. I was like Exlax today.
I split wood today. Work has tanked out for me at the moment. Going to get in on a few months worth of a 6 month job in Philly as a sub to pass the winter down time.
I spent about 6.5 hrs in spurs today for a friend. About eight trees in all. Haven't done that in a while. Tired puppy tonight. They are never just easy ones when they call me, tall ass Tulips.
B. so with those 8 pops, did you Wraptor up?? If so what do the folks who you were subbing for think?? Still amazes me that after somebody SEES them in a work envoirment they still dont buy one???
I split wood today. Work has tanked out for me at the moment. Going to get in on a few months worth of a 6 month job in Philly as a sub to pass the winter down time.

I thought you were logging in the winter? Is the philly job tree work? Workin with uncle?
Second largest eastern White Cedar I ahve ever seen/worked on got a cable and reduced a messed up multi-stem Norway.
Client had an awesome collection of JD tractors. think the oldes was from the 40's. Even the mud room was wall to wall JD.
they still dont buy one???

I could probably give an hour lecture on people being complimentary and still not buying. Some will say at an exhibition, "If people don't buy something like this, then the people who make such things will disappear, and won't that be a tragedy". Then they say thanks and leave. Try and figure that out! They often leave in a very expensive car, but I can't tell if they are laughing.
I received a $25 tip yesterday. The last time I did tree work on those temple grounds, the priest did the same. Nice guy, very upbeat.
We finished by lunch, so had the office move Fridays job to this afternoon and we finished that, too!

So basically, we are done doing tree work for 2012!

Lordy, that's one ugly sucker! Our flying squirrels are cute.

They are friendly little buggers too, or trusting may be the word. My son and I climbed the big Red Oak out front with them. They really didn't mind at all. Amazing creatures. The first one I ever saw was in a tree my Dad cut down. As it started to fall the squirrel came running out and flew to a neighboring tree.
I thought you were logging in the winter? Is the philly job tree work? Workin with uncle?

I don't know what the heck im gong to do. It depends what time of day you ask me. As far as logging, yes, I think im going to go hand cut and skid for a company. As far as the philly job its a 4000 removals job for SEPTA, the bus and train system for philly. My uncle is involved but not the job holder. I was invited in on that for to pass the winter time but its such a hike. I don't know. Nor will I tomorrow. Scored another chip truck today for nothing. 93 topkick freshly inspected and ready to roll. Ill send it to have it painted my company colors and it will be there as needed. Gave the owner 5 grand ready to roll. Fresh inspection sticker, no rust, no leaks, well maintained.