How'd it go today?

Still working on pre-loading my karma for logging season.
Planted 950 trees tofay:D

Soon as we plant the last one of the 18000 we contracted for, it is logging time for us.
Can't wait!
I had some running around to do off and on all day .Bought a small hen turkey and a ham for thanksgiving.
Did manage to drop another dead ash this time with a small salvagable log in it .10 foot shorty with less than 100 bd ft but it all adds up .About 3/4 cord which has been average for the small ash so far .
Whacked a bunch of mostly tall pines around a "snack" club in the woods, a place where people can go to have a drink (bar) and some food, and they usually have karaoke too.The big boom is mostly over, but some people still like that noise making. Rode the crane ball for a change, and woke up with a headache. Possibly too much feet dangling.... Someone got wild with the mini and backed over my 020 and cracked the handle. Bummed me out for awhile.
I spent the day running around too. I hit the DMV to finish retesting on Combination Vehicles for my CDL Instruction Permit, and after getting the mugshot photo taken and $5.00 later, I was out of there. After that I spent a couple of hours on random paperwork, and finished the day with bouncing around on errands.

Tomorrow will be hand to hand combat practice most likely, as I hit the grocery store in the morning, to be followed up by a mountain of laundry.
Bucketed a small tree top off a campground restroom, about 60' tree overall, uprooted by the high saturation from heavy rean and wind. Cut and hung a dozen tall skinny dead fir out of tight stands, so ended up 'walking down' a bunch of them. No weight to pull them through once the tip into the adjacent forest trees.

One Rotten alder to lay out with gravity. Walked up to the back side, where I found a big cavity, and just shoved the tip of the non-running bar through the front of the trunk. It was punky and nearly vertical.

Winds picked up, with heavy rain. I thought I heard a cracking noise from the direction of a Big cottonwood on the roadside. I decided to leave all the saws on the deck of the bucket truck rather than put the gear up in the tool boxes, and get the hell outta Dodge. The last guy driving out said a sizable cottonwood limb came down near our parking spot. Yikes!!

A few days ago, putting down a big, big dead fir out on an island park, we had a heavy leaning madrone, that with got hit with the big lower limbs of the doug-fir falling, break, just behind the tractor. Double Yikes!!

Time for a holiday break from hazard trees.
Been doing a lot of old storm throws recent. Tree on top of tree on top of..... you get the jist. Dominos with a twist. Feel for the guys back east and what you describe Sean. Wind comes up and you sorta just shut the saws off and listen and often leave. So many different compression and tension points in each tree, you spend most of the time to cut one out just making a hidy hole or run route. Hangers everywhere...Those prunes yesterday felt good by comparison.
drove my chip truck back home this afternoon. #8 cylinder has 0 compression. Bill was just under 2k and now have a 7 cylinder engine.:|:

Garage shut down the bad cylinder and said I could drive it that way without further hurting the engine. Most all my work is within 2 mile of home so I might give it a shot 'till I can figure something else out. Seems to run fine but it sure idles a bit rough:lol:
I've done it, chews up the fuel though.

I just trimmed a few shrubs and ground out five old stumps. Talk about dust, it's as dry as a bone here even down a couple of feet.

If I had the work for one I'd buy a remote control grinder in a flash.
Oh that pot licker would run alright or I'd beat that SOB into submission .Wasps and bees fear me as well as engines because I always win or they might end up as an I beam or a bumper on a Toyota if they want to fight with me .The wasps and bees get the idea after removal of half a wing and a stingerectomy after causing Mrs Smith to having a panic attack .I warn them but some don't listen .
6.0 ford diesel. 2k fixed an electrical problem, & replaced turbo basically. They dinked around putting in a couple new injectors in before they checked the compression also.

Little stump grinding over the weekend and I'll be back into the trees Monday. Starting a graveyard surrounded by a horse farm next week.
You're mechanic is wrong and you are headed for more problems. I made a call to a senior master ford diesel tech to ask about what you have on your hands. He said without a doubt you'll have diesel in your bottom end in due time and will clog your cat with fuel as well and blow your engine.
I have an outstanding resource for ford diesel issues and if anyone ever has any questions id be happy to retrieve an answer or advice.
With a diesel something is definitely amiss . I suppose you could blow a hole in a piston or hang a valve hang but I've never heard of it on a diesel .

I did a little on line research on that model which is said to be Fords problem child due to a number of reasons and one listed was carbon under the exhaust valves.The cause has something to do with the turbo charger .

What you could do is thump on the damned valve stem with a brass hammer and let the valve spring snap it closed .Might just knock the carbon off the valve face if that's what the snag is . You gots ta roll the engine over until the valve is completely closed first before you get to thumping .

I mean you don't have much to loose .If you get a mechainic to pull the head and check it out you'll dump another 2 grand in it .If it works send me a case of Budweiser .:|:
Rambling on some more .Old trick ,older than the hills .On a gasser one old method to see if an exhaust valve was either hung or was failing to seal was holding a dollar bill over the tail pipe. It should pulse outward with every opening of an exhaust valve while idling .If it sucked in a valve was at fault .Gassers would often seal up slightly at speed so it had to be done at idle .I have no idea if that would work on a diesel engine or not .
I had a fun day took down, roped, and oak with nothing more than a 1/2" three strand and two saws and a wedge. Kinda of fun rocking it old school for a day.
'tis time for chef Boy are Al to once again roast the festive bird .Being a woman thing Mrs Smith has to fuss with the bird and give me instructions but truth be known I've probabley roasted more turkeys in my life time than she .Simple !Westinghouse roaster ,oven bag ,350 degrees for 2 hrs then 300 for another 11/2 or two until the gizmo pops up then it's done .14 pound hen this year fresh not frozen .