Bucketed a small tree top off a campground restroom, about 60' tree overall, uprooted by the high saturation from heavy rean and wind. Cut and hung a dozen tall skinny dead fir out of tight stands, so ended up 'walking down' a bunch of them. No weight to pull them through once the tip into the adjacent forest trees.
One Rotten alder to lay out with gravity. Walked up to the back side, where I found a big cavity, and just shoved the tip of the non-running bar through the front of the trunk. It was punky and nearly vertical.
Winds picked up, with heavy rain. I thought I heard a cracking noise from the direction of a Big cottonwood on the roadside. I decided to leave all the saws on the deck of the bucket truck rather than put the gear up in the tool boxes, and get the hell outta Dodge. The last guy driving out said a sizable cottonwood limb came down near our parking spot. Yikes!!
A few days ago, putting down a big, big dead fir out on an island park, we had a heavy leaning madrone, that with got hit with the big lower limbs of the doug-fir falling, break, just behind the tractor. Double Yikes!!
Time for a holiday break from hazard trees.