How'd it go today?

I had a hunch the clutch was going out and ordered this clutch kit about 2 hours before leaving for Bradenton yesterday. It has already shipped and should be here Tuesday or Wednesday. It's rated for 622 foot lbs of torque which is more than I'll ever make with a stock block.

Looks like a good deal considering what John Deere wanted for a Japanese JD replacement disc - $400. No aftermarkets to be found. Can we say monopoly?
My dad used to talk about end splitting entire oak logs length wise using steel wedges backed up with oak .They split them down to a size they could cut them down with a tractor powered buzz saw for firewood .
i did a little walnut log like that on friday, beautiful stuff, wouldn't fit in the chipper anyways;).

today was a crane job. 70' or so, about 8 or 9 heads all originating near the ground and reaching out to forever. we spent two days previous rigging a couple of heads the crane couldn't reach and prepping for visibility and such. i thought it was going to be a cluster f##k, boss didnt have a plan for the chip or the wood, weren't sure how close the crane was going to be able to get, and there was a lot of tree left. luckly, the neibor wanted all the wood and all the chip, and all the rigging went as smooth as you could ever hope for. after 30 yards of chip and two full (15 yd) loads of wood, we were done and out of there by 3:158). finally a good monday!
I TD'd two 900' pines, in the wind, one was skinny.

Maybe they weren't that tall, but they felt like it...

Oh Lawdy I just got back from a storage trailer I have on the end of my property in the woods .I hadn't been back there for a while .It seems a big wind must have blown through some time ago and blew the top out of a 70 foot tree about 2 feet in diameter at ground and left a nasty widow maker hanging .

That things' got to go because my grand kids tromp those woods and I damned certain am not going to let the top of a tree get them if I can do anything about it .
Day was going good until this happened.


Tire just flew off doing 60mph, and sparks started flying. Pulled over right away, but half the spindle is ground down now. Castle nut and cotter pin is still there, looks like the bearings gave out.
My day started off as shit and got worse. Some Hooligan turned on all the keys in my equip last night. Everything was dead this morning to the tune of 300 in batteries. I was able to salvage most and get started, but the one ton must have had tired batteries. When we got to the first job at 11:20, some one had already been there and done it. WTF is all I can say as I was there at 3:45 last night secure the top to keep it out of the road. Ok, on to the next one which was a barter for my carpet installer, dropped two small pines and ran over the 441. Ok, ok, ok shit happens. One more tree. Dropped the top pulled the spar and don't ya know my helper got along wedged in the chipper and stalled it. I am done!

On a good note, I finally heard about my helmet. Turns out the darn PO sent it to my parents house in New York. They use an address that was apparently not covered on the box I sent it in. Now wonder Petzl hasn't gotten back to me.