How'd it go today?


And that is how it went today. A buddy with a commercial concrete business took on an commercial demolition job. Interior only. Came to me and asked if he could recruite my groundman and I for 2 days as he was pressed by the general contractor to get the job done faster then planned. My buddy, who is much older then me, has done A LOT for me in life. A LOT. He is the kind of guy that always reminds me that i have a $10,000 line of credit with him if I ever hit a bad situation. My point is, I happily agreed to break away from tree work and offer my guy and I for a few days. I was smashing out cinder blocks and grabbed one to throw it down off the scaffolding. It had tiles glued to it, and the was tile sticking out where I grabbed it. Broken tile. Sharp. When I grabbed and threw it, it sliced me bad. Not straight down through the skin. At an angle, filleting the flesh somewhat. About 14 stitches. This one hurts.
Now how in the hell will you draw a bow with that mess? Damn. I hope you heal quickly and well, that is gonna bug you for awhile.

My helper sliced the hell out of his hand at work last night, he is a bartender. Ice and Martini glasses don't mix well.
AH! Man, sorry to hear that. Stitches should help it heal faster - take care of them. Any tendon or nerve issues or is it too soon to tell?

Wish you the best!
No tendons or nerves to the best of my knowledge. I will heal. I'm good at that. Bud, I can draw a wrist strap style bow release in no time. I think.
Well that's a relief. I'm still trying to put enough aside to make it all happen, work and money. We'll talk soon.

When I mashed my finger like a squished grape last spring, I was religious about a clean wound. adaptic cloth, polysporin fresh gauze, etc. Clean is the key to healing as is the right dressing. Take your vitamins and good luck with it.
As far as the heat here ,it's subsided a tad .Still hits the 90's though late afternoon .Feels cool compaired to that 100 degree stuff .Our only relief is low humidity .

Week end off .I'll hit it about 6 in the morning until it gets unbearable .
Helped my neighbors load their moving truck and horse trailer full of stuff. My nice, though unwise in the ways of moving, neighborette figured the three bedroom house in the "three bedroom house" sized u-haul. Only thing is they have a three bedroom house, with a big bonus room with two beds, patio, garage, deck, seasonal decorations, antique furniture pieces, and an insufficient supply of boxes made to close and stack. She asked if I'd ever done moving work in the past, as I squeezed everthing into every nook and cranny, padding here, padding there. I told her I'd played a lot of Tetris, then had to explain the jist of Tetris. I've done a bit of moving and packing over the years.

We got the Uhaul jigsawed in, and the 20-25' horse trailer jigsawed in, and another load for the stock trailer next weekend.
Did a stack of chipping today,one of the other workers no-showed making it even harder...
Every time I've been a moving "helper", they didn't even have things put in boxes. PIA to box it up before you can start to "help" them load their stuff.
Yeah I've been a party to that moving business where nobody has a clue .Never the less in most of those cases there is always some know it all SOB who likes to call the shots but doesn't have the ability to touch their azz with both hands .Most times I chill out but on some occasions I tell them where the bear chit in the woods over such nonsense .

A life of working around idiots is what caused me to need the use of blood pressure medication .--mumble grumble ---
Just got back from the river. Spent some of our hottest days now down there camping with the kids. I just slide down in the water with a big hat and cooled off. It was about 104 F. Nights were nice and it really just started being down in the 90s today. Kids had a great time and I will be off for a couple more days on this mini vacation :) Just back in my own bed sounds good at a higher/cooler elevation.
Chris, take your time and heal up well before you go back to work. You will only get hurt worse if you push it.
Dang Joel, hitting metal like that can get real aggrevating.
Oh Lawdy 88 degrees .I fiddled around all day 15 minutes at a time and only got about a tad over a cord split from a 3 cord pile . A little more then it's beer thirty buy golly .

Good heavens I smell like cat piss ,not good .Phew !
I've been rigging out Red Pines next to houses on three properties about 50 miles north of me since Tuesday with the GRCS (wow what a tool!). Took out the last three today,finished stacking logs and chipping brush. Stumps tomorrow and done 'till they clear the ground for a view prune on the River side (cliff).

Just home tonight to check the house, change attachments on the mini, and sleep at home for a night. Full day of stump grinding to look forward to.

I'm whupped
Holy mackrel it's raining out and not too soon I might add .It's been dry as a popcorn fart for way too long in these parts .If we can get just a half an inch of rain it will make all the difference in the world with the farm crops .
Rain??? What is this crazy talk? We have had less than half an inch rain for the past three months, the corn crop is already chalked up to a total loss for this neck of the woods. I wish it would rain.