How'd it go today?

I think that depends on the species.
We have some that overwinter, here.
Oh yeah, BMS Belay Spool was very useful. At first, I wished we had three on the two maple job yesterday, but then it didn't matter much, except I had to help chip, which I'm okay with, but not excited about.

Many times there was enough friction from the falling end rope weight to just drop the piece without anyone holding the rope, allowing the piece to drift away from the building. Worked fine for a speedline anchor on the ground as well, as you'd expect.
Yesterday the dead man cable broke on my bucket, rendering the upper pistol grip control useless. This particular cable has threaded ends so I can't just cobble together a replacement using standard cable crimp ends. I have messages in to my Altec parts guy in Birmingham so hopefully he can overnight a replacement on Monday but that still puts me out of commission for a couple days (if he has one available). I decided to rig it together using a straight piece of allthread rod which will lose some flexibility but hopefully not put so much side load on the valve that it damages the inner seals. It only has to work for a few days until the replacement cable gets here.
I'm sure someone at a bicycle repair shop could rig something appropriate up - or have the parts for you to do so with a little ingenuity. Such break downs are truly frustrating
I was able to temporarily fix it with a piece of allthread from the hardware store. The only drawback to this is that the pull isn't perfectly straight due to the linkage and may eventually cause excessive wear and premature failure of the hydraulic valve it's pulling on. But it's fine for a few days until the replacement cable arrives.
Fairly productive day today. Pretty much finished up 90% of the basement, and moved the majority of my furniture down here. Just have a small room left to finish, have to install an access panel on one wall to be able to access some valves, and than put the last coat of mud on, prime whats left and put on two coats of paint. Plus we have to get someone over here to install the carpet on the stairs. After that everything that's left is really stuff we can do when we feel like it, like a new back door and a new door going from upstairs to down here. I'll post some pics here when I get a chance of it all.
Hung a green powder coated one of these on one side of the house and had a day with the kiddos... Back to work tomorrow..
I got rid of a frumpy looking shed I had on the property. Put anything on craigslist and it will disappear. Went to moms and jumped in the pool. Came home and fished some big rocks from my property line with the mini and grapple. Managed to bend up the grapple nicely, not the first time though. :|:
F I N A L L Y got my skid steer running. It's been down for 3 weeks ... could only work on it once in a while ... been busy, family visits, etc.

It had shorted cell in the battery and a minor short in the starter. Both problems masked each other. It would turn over slow - acted like a hydraulic lock-up somewhere. Jumpers had no effect apparently the shorted cell would drain down the jump so full current wasn't getting to the already weak starter.

So, I decided to 'bite-the-bullet' and swap out the old battery with a new one and hook everything back with a new starter. Now, the machine was inside a 20' sea-box. There's no room to jack-up the bucket to get the cylinder out of the way. There was very little room to work. I had to take the muffler off and a few other bits to make just barely enough wiggle room to exchange the batteries. But, after two or three hours squeezing, swearing and lifting -- started instantly.

Time for some libation ... :drink:
Met Harlan at my job this morning with his bucket truck. Raining cats and dogs, hail, lightening. We waiting 10 minutes and it passed. Wrecked the tree, between spells of rain. Done early, bid a couple jobs, organized well over due papers, made a bunch of calls, feel relieved now. I should really call and collect debt but I can't deal with another phone call right now.:|:
I got a lead on a BRAND NEW, new series GRCS, it is a friend of mines it was given to him for some reason or another and he doesnt use it. We have one available for work stuff at Big Green so he really doesnt need it. I have been harassing him to sell it to me for a couple of months jokingly offering him $500.

Today I seriously offered him $1500 for it (with installment payments :) ), and promised that he could use it anytime for free and he said he would seriously consider it.

It was free to him so $1500 is a come up for him and me. It really is brand new, I used it with him once and it has the larger harken drum and the new pigtails!

I should find out in a few days!
Took down two pecan trees today. One in a back yard that dropped a leader on the house last year, wrecking the back porch. The other was in the fenced pasture behind the house, forked at about head high, with the crack already opening up. About 6 1/2 hours of climbing. Glad to be down and done!