How'd it go today?

Eclipse is no go here. It's drizzling..Dang it.

I shot close to 350 photos yesterday...coolest subjects were a family of 7 Canada Geese.....
I always parked behind them when I lived in an apartment. Nudged right up against them so they couldn't get out. It was pretty funny when they finally found out who it was and knocked on my door to get out.

I did that, then called the cops, but after arguing and realizing I had the outstanding ticket I thought better of it and moved my truck. Then I left them a nasty note and called the tow company.
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Cool! The moon was dead center when I navigated here a couple minutes ago.

I't quite light here.....but cloudy and drizzling so no go for viewing.
We don't get the eclipse until November.

Long day today, I'm buggered. Did a job I backed out of last monday, just didn't feel right.

Blue sky and sun and I can just about do anything. Trucks full, got paid.:D

Just got to unload in the morning and chip some branches for a do it yourself guy. I don't usually do that but it's my mothers 90th birthday so I need a little job so I can call in for a while.
Just got home, drove 220 miles round trip to change an extension cord and a sump pump. It doesn't even sound right!
I'm starting to question sanity today, but I got paid good at least!
They are repaving one of the roads here to and from home. All the equipment is staged here, we let them, they will grade the driveway for us in return. Down side to having a nice new road is the 25 plus minute wait either way to and from home. Then add that to the highway they are widening and getting ready to blast.......
I was supposed to get my front end took care of today. Made appointment, was told parts were ordered, order fixed and parts were in. I show up. No appointment written down and no parts. Guy that I dealt with went on a drunk binge and called in sick. I deal with this shop often. They are awesome. Squeeze me in when things are hectic etc. They take really good care of me. I had dropped off Wyatt and Rob to start on the job and it took me 3 hours to get back to them. No repairs done... Total waste of time. Got to work 3 hours after crossing two construction zones twice.
Appointment is now tomorrow. Of course one FS250 decided to take a shat today and I have to go fix one or something to get through another day after my morning will once again get blown. Not really happy right now. Got a lot of brush moved out of the wind throws that were not supposed to be in a black berry patch and are.
Thanks for letting me vent.
Tomorrows a new day...
Hate days like this though.
At least my business did not burn down like others are dealing with right now right?
I hope they never pave our road. My folks would like it paved, but I prefer gravel. It's nice to have the option of installing your own speedbump when idiots get in the habit of flying past your house.
It was paved before but a tad rough. Kept people down to about 40. Once they pave it and put some new yellow lines on it, people will drive it like a free way. Should make for a few accidents people coming out of their drive ways and what not on blind curves and below rises. Our rental is like that. If you are going over 40 on that rise before the drive way, you would never be able to stop if some one was pulling out, or a kid was in the road or....
Flew a bucket to take down a large Zelkova limb and finish a job. Two guys, one limb, and about two hours to piece it out over an apartment building, including a long break in the action. Getting the bucket truck down the narrow lane and around curves in and out was really a chore, but kind of fun...a number of people standing outside with the worried looks on their faces. It wouldn't have been possible without a lady allowing us to pull in and back out of her drive, impossible to make the sharp curve otherwise. First she refused, just shook her head and ran back into the house. She came out again and after some talking, relented. My friend spent three years as a member of a yakuza clan, so he is good at talking people into things that may not actually be to their benefit. :lol:
My youngest sometimes walks over to my folks and there's a hill/curve just south of my driveway. Some fool took to driving through here last year going so fast I'd see him sliding sideways as he passed my dad's house. I took the pick and spent a few minutes to install a bump. Next day he came through again, flying. I kept deepening/widening it until he slowed down. I considered dragging a dead tree out in the road....