How'd it go today?

Another day of crane aided removals, a very peaceful location amidst rice fields and other agricultural property. We're breaking in a new kid, so I split duties with him flying the hook, and getting him tuned to our way of cutting at the stump. A very nice young man with experience, says thank you to every form of instruction and apologizes for requiring the input..all around works very hard and picks up things fast. Not so common these days, definitely an old school type in terms of manners and work ethic....somebody raised him right. Unfortunately, he is mostly tied up with a company that does a variety of outdoor tasks, so he's not available during the weekdays as a rule. Good to have some young blood around and the enthusiasm. Towards the end of the day the air was cool and fresh, with great views in every direction of flooded rice fields and the mountains from the really was pleasant working at the elevation with time to check things out. I was actually sorry when we did the last tree and wrapped it up. After everything was cleaned up, the whole crew must have spent a good forty minutes shooting the sh@t before going our separate ways. Good folks to work with.
I think I'm retireng from mechanical work, seems like everything else, they expect it for free!
That does seem to be the way it goes .You have all kinds of buddies when they need something but they all dissappear if you need something .

Ha I did a nice 610 Mac for a guy once. He had intentions of selling at a flea market which he did and did well on it .Couple weeks later here he came with a lousey 6 pack and three more saws .That's been 3 years ago and those saws will set until the end of time before I do anything to them . It's one thing to be a tight wad but whoe be the SOB who insults me .
I feel for you Andy. Problem for me is I can't sell what I often can not find :lol: And I am the grease monkey on the gear... If I wanna keep working, I have to fix it :P
But I don't just fix anything for just any one ;)
I hardly lift a finger on Katy's van.. I told her the day she bought it all I would do is oil and maybe brakes. I sent it out for the rear brakes last time. My hands don't fit in most places on that thing. And I have small hands. There just comes a point on more modern stuff I just draw a line. I draw that same line on most folks wanting "quick fixes" as well.
A lot of the newest stuff is super easy to work on, all modular style parts. My Mustang is the easiest vehicle to work on that I've ever owned.
Most of the time the things don't go bad like back in the so called "good old days " .Pshaw there wasn't a damned thing good about them truth be known unless you got off working on your danged vehicals .It's one thing to wrench on a classic or antique for a hobby and entirely different if it's the only mode of transportation you own .

Yeah just a barrel of laughs freezing your butt off trying to get the SOB to run so you can get to work the next day .I miss it about like a tooth ache and those retire to a cup at night these days .--and the freakin vehical starts too .
Put some ice on that thumb and get well soon, Brian.
It is not nice to hurt the digit that separates us from the dumb animals ( squirrels and such, you know:lol:)

I spent the weekend with a bunch of climbing friends.
Richard and I host a climbing day for a mixture of pro and rec climbing instructors each year.
Just a fun day and a chance to learn from each other.
We take turns doing the job of safety ramrod.

You would think it was unnnecessary with a bunch of experienced climbers, but not so.

This year I came bach to the gear truck and there was 5 guys on the ground eating lunch and a gal frolicking in the tree above them, AND NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THEM WITH A HELMET ON!!!!!
I really chewed them out for that, so the woman rapelled down, came over and told me that she felt it was totally justified.
That is why it is nice to have female climbers on board, the guys were all sulking about it.

The old Sequoia/rewood climbing group plus apprentice and the only person invited on the last sequoia trip, who couldn't make it, unfortunately, camped out by the chalk cliffs of Møn and grilled a chunk of wild boar, baked potatoes and whole garlic in the fire and had a wonderful bean salad, plenty of red wine and single malt scotch and didn't make it to bed till 2 PM.
Wonderfull night, lots of good stories told ,lots of bragging about the big trees, but we were somewhat the worse for wear next day.

We climbed a nice old white fir abies alba and some beech trees.

Everybody had a fine time, just look at the smiling faces.

We decided that next year we'll do an early morning ninja climb on the tallest tree in the country.
It is pretty much the last scalp my group has to take around here. A mere stick compared to the stuff we've been getting into in California, but still nice to have:D

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Awesome Stig, looks like one helluva of good time! Great trees and views you have there man.

Easy weekend so far. Cleaned up the GTI yesterday, and doing some work on the basement today to get it ready to lay tile down to replace the horrible carpet thats down there. Another few weeks and I should be able to move into the basement! Also got my version of a rigid tether made up today for my RW. Should make things go much smoother with it now, even though its already a smooth system, the rigid tether just makes it that much better 8)

Picked up a new gear bag as well to try out, nice North Face bag.
Fished here at the house this morning. I live on a private 80 acre lake. Caught a lot of crappies. Took the kids and wife to a state park a few miles away to show the kids the camosites and explain the idea to them. Got into it with a park ranger in the process. He gave me static for rolling through the stop sign at one of the gates where he sits in a hut. The sign was obstructed. I didn't see it. It was a consequence free location. I rolled through it last his hut at 1 or 2 mph, while trying to peek in the hut and see if he was in there to give me directions. He got NASTY with me. Told me if the sign won't stop me he sure as heck would. Got loud and told me to slow down. I apologized for the sign and told him he was wrong about my speed. I was moving at just less then a walking pace. He got nastier. Piece of shit.

I spared him my usual "youre a civil servant and will treat me with respect" speech. Kids and wife were with me.
Sounds like you're lucky you weren't pepper sprayed and jailed.

I'm chillaxin' today, the wife and daughter went out with some other mom's/kids to a big play center so I'm king of my domain for once. Lol. Building/repairing a doghouse and working on my lawn tractor too. All the horses/donks are loose and mingling. Equines are cool to hang with imo.
That really sucks about a park ranger getting nasty to a visitor with his family there too. I have observed that happening myself at a California state park. Some possessive thing going on it seems. There must be announcements of ranger openings in the prison guard newsletter.
Tell him to do his job and clear the obstructions in front of the damn sign if he wants unwavering compliance. F*cking wanna-be cops.
I wasnt combative. I was clearly just creeping along in the single lane beside his hut trying to figure out where to head. he took an attitude as well about me wanting to drive through the camping area to show the kids. I was figuring on camping there next Saturday with the family. I could see if I appeared to be a chikd molester. pulling up in a mercury mountaineer with a wife, 2 kids, and a labrador must havea real menacing look. A real predator.
Just knocked out another 5 mile powerwalk. Now I won't feel guilty for sitting on my ass all weekend.
Nice Butch.

And thats blows about the park ranger man. You'd think people in their position would be more polite about things like that, working where they do and with a family in the car no less. But what can ya do, people will be people I presume.
True dat. I can't change his behavior. However, when I go camping this weekend, he will not behave like that. Should he choose to, ill put in a call to our local representative, the rangers supervisor, the park supervisor, the past director of parks and forestry in PA, and the local paper.

He will remember my name until the day he dies.
Get em Chris!

Meg and I had a nice day at the park with the dogs.. Got home someone was in my parking spot, so I called the cops argued with the dispatcher for a while then remembered I have an outstanding traffic ticket so I hung up. Went outside and called the tow company, they said they would tke care of it, which they always say and never do.

It is frustrating to pay for a numbered spot and then get parking tickets from being on the street cause some a-hole takes my place.
I speak from experience, from the distant past.....
If you have outstanding fines, tickets, warrants, or a healthy blend of the three, avoid the police.
Got home someone was in my parking spot.

It is frustrating to pay for a numbered spot and then get parking tickets from being on the street cause some a-hole takes my place.

I always parked behind them when I lived in an apartment. Nudged right up against them so they couldn't get out. It was pretty funny when they finally found out who it was and knocked on my door to get out.