How'd it go today?

Feeling pretty miserable now :( Dang pain meds are not workin very well. Will post on when I feel a little better. Glad to be here in da house with you folks!

Pain meds are designed to control pain. Therefore if you wait until you are hurting they will not work as fast or as well. Good luck with it Cody. Pain sucks, but not as bad as coming off the damn meds.
Luckily no problems there pard ;) Spent 5 days in a hospital one time being pumped full of demerol and it was a huge problem then!
I'm with Brian. When I was recovering from my crushed foot, I didn't crap for a week.

What finally came out was shaped like a 12 oz can and clogged the toilet. I think it did permanent damage to my bunghole, also.

Pain killers are a PITA.
Had a rough start to the weekend last Friday, and it kinda went downhill from there. Managed to get some things done over the weekend though, car is cleaned up and looking good, new bridge on my TM, some misc gear spliced up. Other than that, a pretty rough unproductive weekend.

Today was ok, got the plate for my GTI finally. Got rained out for about 2 hours, so we worked on some saws. Spent the afternoon pruning some shrubs for a high end client. Tomorrow we get to prune some good size Willow Oaks and Wednesday is a fun removal.
Never really taken them here. Only experience with that kinda stuff is when they knocked my ass out when I got my wisdom teeth pulled. I remember walking into the office and waking up several hours later in a recliner at the house. No pain or anything.

I do know Dad only takes them when he really needs them, and he has a very high pain tolerance. So I know its bad when he's reaching for the pain pills.
I'm on tylenol 3 as we speak. It's a baby food version of a painkiller. Yet, its enough to make my stomach hurt. Hopefully tomorrow I won't need em. Pain killers are just too much up and down. Like any drug really.
Pain killers always went along with the job for me when I was falling timber. Most of my tenure was spent on the West Coast, Alaska and a Stint in Florida Swamps...mostly working on helicopter ground. Rugged ground and nasty snags mixed with a high production outfit working you 6 sometimes 7 days a week...not a matter of IF you were gonna get hurt, but WHEN and HOW BAD. I am only 34, but with some of the wrecks I took I feel twice that age somedays! That's why I love Whiskey :) No, really the best pain reliever for me anymore is keeping in shape, TRYING to eat healthy, and stretching....especially inverting after a good of my favorite ways to manage knee, back, shoulder and neck pain.
I'd heard that wood in the bottom of the pile won't get really dry.

Still seems high to huck wood.

I wasn't thinking of stacking it.

My work area is right on our private road, shared with the neighbors, and our weather is wet. I get away with keeping it outside of the wood shed in the sun as much as possible, while balancing it with visual impact in the mind of my wife and fancier neighbors. Wish I had an out of the way place.

People here like to buy wood after the rains start, seemingly, especially when its cold, and the power has gone out.

I like to sell wood when its slow in the middle of the winter when I can pick up some extra tree jobs from it, and people are often selling "dry" wood (OF COURSE I'm not suggesting that about you, Brendon, as being a shady tree/ firewood guy.). I sometimes am the shining star with really dry wood after people have spend money on 'dry' wood.
Yessir it is. I try to keep a good handle on it. Only sippin whiskey for me. I did learn the hard way though. Luckily, MOST of my learnin was from watching other guys...especially in Logging camps in Alaska...after spending some time at one, you don't want to become like some of those old boys.....that is some hard livin!
I'm a whiskey fan.
