How'd it go today?

I have been mulling over painting and tossing a logo or two on my chipper. It needs it. I'm going to do it myself once the weather is stable enough for the paint to cure. It's in need of paint and I was thinking about painting it to match my business colors.

If their paint is already faded , like I see many morbarks do why would you use it again??

I actually demoed a brand new d52 a few months back and didn't think it was worth the price brand new but what we paid for this one it was well worth it. I think storing the machine indoors plays a big part in whether it fades or not. I have no problem using another brand like SW if the color match is close enough.
My Put On Ground Only pine dismantle changed. When I had almost all the brush dumped, the HO said the wife wants the brush gone, too. Wanted to know how much, or if he could use my chipper. Ya, right. Told him at the beginning that if he wanted the disposal done, I'd crane it all over the house to the chipper, rather than drag through his little gates from the back yard to the front.

Oh well, more money is more money. At least the brush is limbed up and tossed sorta in a stack due to the small backyard space.
If that Morebark is painted red it will fade .Red is the worst fading paint there is .Given enough time it will be pitty tink .That said I'm a fan of Sherwin Williams myself .
I've got to agree there.:saywhat:

Wrecked some trees Saturday and Sunday, kind of beat, so I just stayed home today. A crane job and I worked the ground doing all the limbing and bucking. They just kept flying in. Perfect sized trees for the 242xp, which is running super sweet after sticking a larger carb on. A definite oldie but goodie, especially with some tweaking. The trees were mostly behind a house in the woods, so I just stayed out in the street where the crane laid them down. Dead end dirt road with few cars. One of the neighbors was cool, we chatted on and off. He had a beautiful stack of firewood. Almost totally non productive day today, but some hours left to do further nothing. I did finish my Jap tax return, a major pita. :/:
One feature SW has is the ability to match any paint .I had some Pratt and Lambert carnival red that the company quit carrying P and L .Went to SW ,no problem .BTW I get a painters discount at SW too .

In addition they keep a record of any paint you buy .Say ten years from now you need some more ,they have it on record .
Great company & product from my experience.

Heading out in a bit to go check on a job to see what equipment I'll need. Top came out of an oak and landed on 5th wheel camper. Removed a dead tree from over their dock last fall 'cause they couldn't find anyone else to do it. I like getting new customers that way.
I've been absent from TreeHouse for a bit and will be for a little more to come.
I'm getting my 2011 taxes done and my accountant calls me and tells me my book keeper [mother in law, don't laugh] forgot to close off my 2011 year end without telling me and she's still in Mexico on vacation.
So now I 've been digging out last years Nov, Dec receipts and invoices and trying to get this mess straightened out for him. I've also decided to fire my mother inlaw and do my own book keeping. It's not so bad, simply accounting on the computer is easy to do seeing I have already inputed all of my expenses and invoices for 2012 already.
Only takes a few minutes at the end of the work day to do the day's books, rather then throw it into a shoe box and let it pile up for the mother inlaw.
Haha, I am thinking of bringing my books back in house since the secretary isn't leaving the state anymore
Your mother-in-law is privy to your! I'd have to explain what the receipt for the Purple Rose Club is for. :\:
Yeah I get alot of jokes about my mother inlaw being privy to my finances, I just better not try to divorce her daughter:lol:

She's a retired accountant and has been doing my books for free for about 10 yrs now, I guess she's now telling me to "take over ".
Took my CDL air brakes and combinations endorsement written test. I didn't know what I was supposed to take. They failed to give me all the proper tests previously when I told them I was going for a Class A. Have to schedule the driving part now that I have all the writtens done. I've driven out bucket with equipment trailer (63' I think) and its not too bad. Relatively easy to back up. Better visibility than my chip truck (no rear view).