Woods walker
Fine looking little rotter...bet you deserved it

Amsteel strength would be reduced by a massive amount with any knot. You would be better off using a porta wrap
The tensionless anchor method works great when having to tie Amsteel, but I wasn't going to climb an uprooted, tipped 30 degrees, resting in a rotten, tipping hemlock, cedar in order to use it. The Running bowline was set from the ground via throwline. We knew where it would break if it did break. We didn't want to break it, but a lot less so than
We used the spliced eye, attached to the winch hook, via a shackle on the other end. If we need to shorten the line, then we use a big POW. Agreed.
Our biggest concern was not to allow the failed tree to smash the septic tanks or fence. We had rain, wind, and a bit of snow to deal with during the operation, as well as an old Cat, operated by someone not familiar with tree related work.