How'd it go today?

All our hedges seem to be filled with hornets. I find getting stung repeatedly dampens the fun of hedges.

I have been spur trimming bug infested black locusts, cutting out dead tops for the last couple of days. I just couldn't see any safe way to climb them without spurs, all the crotches on the trunk are too tight and the bug damage is so bad you cannot trust branches without inspecting them up close. My work is probably just a down payment on a removal the infestation is so bad.

Ok so I am a bad person, I spiked trims. I'll go hit myself in the head with a 2x4 a few dozen times to make amends.
I'd like to make a joke about tight crotches but well I know you're a decent guy Darin. :lol:
Ok so I am a bad person, I spiked trims. I'll go hit myself in the head with a 2x4 a few dozen times to make amends.

bad dobby!:lol:

had a tree ownership dispute this am on a couple removals so i left and said call me when you get this sorted. going back thurs to do what i started this am:|:
I have a Euc to "reduce" and the top is too high and too big for me and my climbing skills so I am calling a contract climber to do it for me.

This happened about 5 minutes ago,a big thump on my picture window about three feet away from me.A young redtailed hawk either took a dive for me or a bird but smacked the window hard enough to knock the stuffing out of him.

The little birdie was shook up a bit but seems ok,he flew away, a little dazed but will likely recover so he can keep up with his duties of keeping in check my hordes of field mice and chipmonks.Go bird.
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Today/Yesterday was great. Cleared a small patch of trees for a new barn install. Later in the day yesterday I sold my Bandit 65 for more than I paid for it, gotta love it. Taking care of equipment pays, I get laughed at when I am rubbing wax on it and p-washing it every other week, but it returns in the long run.

Now I'll have a good chunk on the new chipper payed off.

Taking care of equipment pays, I get laughed at when I am rubbing wax on it and p-washing it every other week, but it returns in the long run.

Now I'll have a good chunk on the new chipper payed off.

Well,I'm a slob about such stuff as a general rule.It is however very true that "curb appeal" means a lot on a resale of anything.It shows the perspective buyer that you the owner took pride your equipment.
Nice Brendon, that great. Now pay that MOFO off early! I just did a bid for a old baseball player, Robert Patterson, played for the phllies? Nice guy but he has his own ideas about how much of a view he can get.....View "crack" i deal it daily...hahahaha!
Nice work all. :)

Today begins The Wrecking Season, About 2 months straight of Clear Cutting.

Lots of Felling, Limbing, Bucking, Decking, Chipping and Loading to follow.
Then planting.
I like wrecking season, that reminds me hurricane season is getting active. Been so busy i havn't really paid the tropics much mind. be safe
I finished school in May, and what did I do... I applied to get into another school. This time, I am looking at getting trained as a machinist or welding equipment repair technician. Luckily... this school pays me to go. :)

I hope I can get in... it would be at least 2 years of work and income, depending on how much of my course work transfers into their program. All I have to do is get accepted and work hard to pass my monthly panel reviews.
I topped and fell two huge chesnut oaks for a grading crew nearby today.Each tree was a little over 40 inches in diameter and nearing 100 feet tall.That is rare for a chesnut oak around here..It was a miserable job.It was on the side of a steep bank in the direct sun.I wanted the logs,but he had already decided he wanted to haul them himself.
"Anyone know what the hurricane predictions are?"

Kinda supposed to be on the heavy side - it isn't the season yet but already had one TS, way up there North of Burmuda and off the Grand Banks. That's up North, kinda a bad sign.
Long, hard, and hot today :D. Note to self when bidding big bushy spruce trees throw a little extra on for the clean-up, what a mess. I got some pics I think (atleast it looked like the ground guy snapped a few) but they will have to wait until I can summon the energy to go back out to the truck :|:
Yesterday was hot followed by heat and then it got HOT. Today shall be weird. I have bids all over the place so will probably try to squeeze in one small job already on the schedule and do a couple of scattered joblets as I bid them to avoid going back.
In the process of moving out into the coutry, leaving apartment life and the swimming pool for farms, cows, and fish ponds and 100 footers shadeing the doublewide.