How'd it go today?

Thankfully, I'm pretty immune to ultra-sensitive bungholes.
But poison ivy seems to get me a few times per season.
Sorry, Jonesey. I got a scathing pm about one of my comments, which was meant to be a joke.
Guess I need to work on my on-line etiquette.
So, how'd it go for me today ? Let me flatter myself & pretend that you're interested.
I worked. It was worky. I will be paid for said job tomorrow when I finish up.
In the meantime, my eldest son called me to say I broke his fishing pole that I borrowed without permission. I apologised (for not asking permission first, a respect thingy), and promised to replace the pole. He told me he loves me. I told him I'm glad he trusts me enough to call me up & vent. Really.
My only daughter called to say that the Dr.'s visit I sent her on was $249, to which I said, "I love you Rachel, and I'm proud of you for taking care of your biz."
There's tons more. My workdays are filled with "other" things, and I really don't remember life before cell phones.
Oh........ and a resounding, "YES !", my life ain't easy.
But I love it.
My day was hot. As opposed to yesterday which was hot and the day before which was hot. Trees are getting big time stressed here, we have to be setting some sort of record for most 100 degree plus days. Today I ground stumps and did a couple of bids. I am booked a week in advance for the first time since May. It feels good. I hope it continues. I have been getting a lot of referrals from my old tree company and yesterday I got one from another one of the BIG companies in town. When they are busy they focus on bucket truck jobs and send the big backyard climbing jobs my way.
That's great, awesome news. The backyard big tree climber is a worthy niche, young tanager.

That's right up your alley.

Even other crews reefering you is a bonus.
Just got a call this morning, could you come and take the top 40' off of my Chinese elm(which 10-1 is more than likely a Siberian :? ). Guy tells me last year he took off all of the limbs he could reach and the tree isn't looking very good this year figures it needs to be cut back to about 20' to 're-vitalize it'. Man I feel sorry for some peoples trees :( . I'm to busy/backed up right now to be dofus'ing around so I tried feeling him out as to exploring other options, he's not interested he definetly wants it 'reduced' (by 2/3's).

I find it very frusturating dealing with people like this, on the one hand the guy has told me he's only keeping the tree cause his wife wants it and he would rather get rid of it cause he hates the mess. He thinks, no is convinced and tried convincing me, that the tree will be much cleaner less leaves/seeds if it gets topped back by 2/3's. I mean the dude doesn't want to hear anything contrary to his 'plan' and even going so far as telling me 'no this will be fine for the tree', oh really I guess myself and everyone else who actually studies arobriculture are idiots.

I told him once I was caught up a bit and had some time I'd give him a call and come and have a look at it. In person maybe I could convince him to care for it properly or else just remove it, why torture it for a long period of time?
sounds like it would be best removed and try to talk them in to planting a new tree that doesnt get so big perhaps?
sounds like it would be best removed and try to talk them in to planting a new tree that doesnt get so big perhaps?

That's exactly what this guy needs for a long-term solution, but that being said I guarantee he doesn't see it that way and a quote for removal/re-planting would most certainly be shuffled aside for the low-price that someone around here will give him to just come and top and run. I hate to say it but I'm not chasing work at all right now quite the opposite so I have no real interest in pursuing this job. Sorry for the guys tree but I'm sure he will find someone to hack it up for him.

I'm becoming a little embittered over hacks right now, I didn't think they were around here much but they are, uninsured/no knowledge lowballers. If you're playing by the rulese you can't compete with someone who isn't paying WCB, carrying liability insurance you'all know what I'm talking about.

I've lost a couple recent bids and one I happened to be going by and there's the no signage beater pick-up with a ladder up against the tree no climbing gear nothing. I can almost guarantee no insurance and from the look of some of the 'pruning' cuts no idea what they're doing. I'm no bigtime pro but I do strive to do the best I can and educate myself as to the proper ways to care for trees.
The outcome of the day is yet to be decided.I just uninstalled GE micro wave /convection oven I've had hung and unhung about a zillion times.I recently had this damned thing in a repair shop for 5 weeks while they took their sweet old time repairing it.It would seem for over 750 bucks I could have gotten a little better quality.:what:

I've been at that dealer so many times he addresses me as Mr Smith when I walk in the door and salesmen scatter like rats leaving a sinking ship.Medevil Al on the warpath,send bail money.:X
Then put it out of your head and don't worry about it.

Or wear a mask! :P

:lol: Only one problem, my name(my own name) is plastered all over the sides of my truck. Ah I just had to vent a little, it's all good.

Al don't you love buying new stuff that doesn't work how it's supposed to(or at all). I've come to the conclusion that all new 'stuff' is junk, built to get out the door but not for the long haul.
Thanks MB heres a close up of the cuts, next month the clients grandchildren are gonna have a wedding under the tree. She called me two years after my slideshow presentation to Master Gardners.

Hooking up power, phone, satelite, cable and gas for our new home out in the coutry the rest of the day.
Al don't you love buying new stuff that doesn't work how it's supposed to(or at all). I've come to the conclusion that all new 'stuff' is junk, built to get out the door but not for the long haul.
Yes I do indeed.Little did I know in the case of the oven that the Japanese had bought out the appliance portion of GE or I would not have purchased the product.Bigoted,damned straight I am.
Nice looking trim Robert, and congrats on your new place in the country. :)

Justin, I know exactly how you feel. Butch has a point, you can't win every battle. But I've strived to educate to the best of my ability over the years and all of my current clients know better than to call me for some hack topping job. I'll continue to do what I think is best and if they want to go commit butchery in spite of what I've tried to show them then they gotta call somebody else.

On a side note, I had yet another stellar day. My first job was just over 3 hours, doing some cleanup on 4 mature oaks.

Got to my second job at 11:57 to knock down a big spreading dead oak in a back yard. It was a 'leave lay' job, just get it on the ground and the homeowner was going to deal with it later. Two fence panels were already removed and I slid the truck into position. My client had to leave so he paid me my $200 minimum fee before I started. At 12:36 I was pulling up the outriggers and strapping down the bucket cover. I love being able to throw big tops!