How'd it go today?

Bon fire is all set to light. Still have a touch of this flu bug so I really don't feel all festive about it. Katy came home with it last night as well. Poor thing spent a lot of time in the bathroom and neither one of us got much sleep.
See if I can sneak away after things get going and the fire calms a bit. Have a cedar prune tomorrow and I really need to be on my game.
I got the rest of the oak cleaned up ,all the firewod bucked and put all the rigging away .

Then the damned leaves ,good grief .So many of them the mower overheated .Enough for today,beer thirty .
One of the guys I work with will be at the superbowl Stephen. BTW I saw one of the most idiotic things in my life today. One of the guys that I work with and one of the guys on the swing shift like to talk trash about the supervisors. My supervisor stayed last night working on one of the trucks that they move trailers around the yard with to replace the starter. He isn't finished and I think the switch may have been the problem all along, and he is staying today after our shift also to finish it. Anyway the guy from swing shift says to my supervisor that with all of his OT this starter will cost the company a thousand dollars. My supervisor says to him "how much do you guys think I make anyway?". Well they sneak over into the office and snoop around in there (I think) because the swing shift guy was saying that my supervisor tells them one thing and whenever they check the records that it shows him to be a liar, and the guy that I work with was nodding in agreement. They had just come walking back to the huller from the office.
Another 1 to 9 shift over and it's beer-thirty, here. I saw fugger musta been a rassler. Big and bowed up, but fat with crazy green and purple hair. I LOLed! One more day and it's tres daze free!
Bon Fire was a success again... Had more wind this year from the storm that just went through.. Soot, we had ice coming down when we left the house to get set up for the lighting.
The extra wind weakened one side with extra fire and she toppled a tad early compared to years past. No biggie. Push it all back in and make a curb of it just in case some fall outward. Was still burning quite nicely when we left. Still don't feel well and I have a job in the morning, why push it :)
Made my poor wife get up early and drug her to this auction with me,
I was hoping to pick up a little 110v air compressor to run nail guns with, the junk Campell Hausfield I bought a couple years ago wont.
What a joke! Just total JUNK! All the air compressors looked like they had fallen out of the back of a truck, several times! Everything was well used and well abused! Mowers without wheels on them?
I'd mentioned to the wife I wasn't going to spend much on a used one because I could pick up a new one under $100, after looking around for about ten min. she looks at me, "Where can you buy that new compressor at for $100?"
Off to Sears parts and service we went, $70 later I walked out with a new one, we didn't have to stand out in the cold and deal with that mess!
Everybody was happy!
Your dealing with a pawn shop auction and probabley with one of his buddies calling the sale .They've got shills in the crowd to raise the bids and if it doesn't sell they aren't out anything .Oldest trick in the books .
When we left, five min before the auction started, there weren't even 20 people there Al, been pretty obvious if they had plants in the crowd today! The ladders were about the only thing I saw that looked half decent, I might have paid $5 for a couple of the miter saws they had out there, maybe $3 for a sawsall and they had a decent Hitachi hammer drill I might have gone to $20 on, really, it was junk! That's the fastest I have ever showed up and left an auction in my life!
Getting ready to leave Hartford here, head up to Essex, MA, and Mayer Tree. As some know, the crane workshop got postponed until early December due to the snow storm. I had a big debate, and thought about getting a refund and trying to head Stig's way, but I don't have the money for that and some other things just didn't fall into place. So after a long talk with Dad he said I could stay up here and work until the workshop. He's doing mainly leaf clean up and that sorta easy stuff right now.

Everything will work out though. I just talked to Dan and he said they are probably heading to Central Park in NY to do storm work and I can tag along with them, which will be awesome! Climbing trees in New York City, Central Park no less, awesome much?!!?!?!
Sounds like a pretty darned good opportunity, Adrian. Too bad about the crane workshop, if you'd only known a few months back, sounds like you'd be stomping around the woods with Stig!

Took the kids to the swimming pool today. I swear everytime I go there is a lifeguard who feels the need to inform me I need to keep my 4 year old with a lifejacket within arms reach. Ok bud, but tell that to the 1 year old I've got glued to me, lest he drown. Sheesh!

Lunch at mickey d's...nice to have a wife who's a manager. Makes dad's saturday's easier. Funny thing is the kids only like the french fries, so I'm making lunch for em right now. At least I got a free lunch!
Changed the knives in the chipper this morning, as it was eating fuel with the dull ones. Gotta keep small chippers sharp, or else you notice it severely.

Did that then rushed over to the show to visit. Saw Dave, Carl, Jerry +Terry, and a few others. Makes you feel like real shit though, when you come home your equipment looks all old!
It's not old it is graciously used and well taken care of. The date doesn't matter when it is taken care of. And more wax is what i did today after a little storm damage. I know how you feel.
Took care of that cedar and took Rob and I out for biscuits and gravy. Tummy feels a little better and the tree is off the buildings and looks better. At least I did not have to dead wood the whole thing... what a mess!
Nobody tried to park in the lot today while we worked, that made the job more tolerable. :)
Went back and checked on the bon fire and cleaned up a couple of chunks that did not burn. I usually stay later and push it in good enough that I never have had to go back and clean it up. Oh well... Little carbon for the garden :)
Supposed to rain/snow and ice again tonight. Katy took the kids down to the valley to have a sleep over at a GFs house and her kids. Quiet little bachelor night here. :)
Just sold my old Forney arc welder and got another $20 out of the POS Campell Hausfield air compressor I had, both to the same guy! I'm up $40 on my original air compressor purchase! That makes mama happy, and we all know that's what matters!
Changed the oil in the 20X Woodsman and found lots of sparkles in the oil of the JD 6081.

We are gonna try and limp it through the rest of the season, running a fully synthetic oil and Lucas oil stabilizer in the hopes that it will last us another 1-2 months.

Any heavy duty diesel mechanics out there? What is the going rate for a rebuilt 6081 @ 275 H/P?
Then I must have a lot of character! two days this week and last, as well as the next couple weeks coming, lots of leaves falling at my strata contracts. Good old rake and shoulders is the best way to get them up, in addition to the backpack blower and Stihl blower/vacuum...... sigh.
Send out for an oil analysis Craig, be sure. My tranny is giving me fits in the bucket truck.
Built a tailgate frame for the new knuckle, turns out I shouldn't have built it square:dur:
Did my stint at the sheller then dumped the truck and filled it and the chipper up with fuel ($215). Headed to Sacramento tomorrow morning to wreck a tree and do a bunch of chipping.
It was really shiney, almost copper color, no chunks though, suspect a bearing. No color in the oil change 2 -3 months ago.
today was realy cool, spent it hanging with my son, then we went to the post office, a couple packages but still no tee shirt (aka walking billboard) from the alberta wastelands.... ahem... Rborist?
One thing you can do is to cut the oil filter open, cut a 1" swath of filter maybe a quarter of the way around, put the accordion piece of filter in a vice and squeeze all the oil out. Then open the filter and see if there are any chunks. Small specs are normal but you shouldn't be able to feel them