How'd it go today?

Seems redundant. That oil just went through a filter. Stig, I made my grand daughter a rattle but the kind with a cavity inside and I put 10 1/4" nuts in it. It kind of looks like a baby caveman club.
Been busy playing music lately (5-string banjo is a bit addictive). Formed a new band. Bought a guitar yesterday; '73 Martin d-28. Best guitar I've ever owned. Intonation, playability, and tone is better than on any guitar I've owned in the past (fairly extensive work done by a very talented luthier).

Met up with my best picking buddy I've known since we were both 15 years old and talked and picked for about 4 hours yesterday afternoon. What a great afternoon, we haven't seen each other except in passing at shows for about 7 years.

Haven't been on the net much, just kind of hanging at home with the dogs and working on Dave (and the house a bit), settling Mom's estate, and getting used to not having a wife here. I'm making progress on me, which is the goal, so things are going OK.

Guess I should be stopping in here more often; I have over 2600 unread posts...:roll:
Well, I'm a free agent. The boss man had to let me go because he can't manage his time, or money properly. I just wish I hadn't been so gung ho to leave my previous employer, as they're now a part of Bartlett. I went and talked to Thor about a job, we'll see what happens.

I'm pissed. Funny thing was that buddy told me in a few years when things are going better for him he would like to think I might still be interested in working with him. Yeah friggin' right, idiot.
We spent about a day in Meadville Pa visiting an elderly ill relative of my wifes .Found this thing which I thought rather neat .It's an artsy type fence made of old road signs that must be over a 1000 feet long .In front of a Penn. dept of transportation yard where they store equipment etc .


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spent a couple hours in the cold and rain pruning / cleaning up a clients yard, couple hundred bones in my pockets and back home by 1pm. not exciting but pays the bills. now off to get a video ready, make some supper and wait for the family to get home to chill for the evening.
First 12 hour day today working in Central Park. Awesome time there, met a great climber who I love working with. We traded back and forth climbing, great time. We're chasing hangers mostly, and man, are there plenty of them. I would kill for a Wraptor right now. We've been doing 50'+ ascents all day, just to get one or two limbs. After the first few I was like, yeah, we need a Wraptor. So much more would get done. But o well, we both have SRT Frog Systems, so that helps a lot. I footlocked up one tree and had to stop and rest a few times. Doing the same thing tomorrow, then the other climber is leaving. Hopefully it isn't too bad when he leaves, only guy I've gotten along with well since coming down here.
Sounds about right, Adrian. Pita some of these jobs are, hanger clean up. All mine today could have been reached with a bucket, gotta get one of those. Two 60' ascents with the Wraptor sure made it easy though. Why is it sometimes the hangers are in the worst spots...vertical limbs, nothing to grab on to, either gotta trunk walk, or cut it where you can. Opted for the second a lot lately, just makes more sense time wise. Sorry tree. We did two jobs today, then I knocked out a tree for the neighbor in the dark, sucks working under the light of hazard lights. Keep getting calls, never had so much work at once. Over five times worse than the hurricane. I'm going to keep on ticking with my own and calling out of the PT job, it'll be easier to cut the tie when the time comes.
Good day today, did a $3K job. I even went out and "worked" with the guys for an hour or so.
Dylan, isn't there some proverb someplace how in Chinese the same word means 'crisis' and 'opportunity'.

Could be the kick to go on your own.

Diversify, just in time to hang holiday lights in trees.

You can make it happen.