Wow Paul..... That is a bad day

I am happy however you that you were observant and thorough enough to realize your tie in situation.
Sort of a goofy day here. Went to cut a good sized hanger over a eating area and pathway at the B&B up the street. Got that done and it went quick so I took some more dead I saw while I was up there. Then I was supposed to prune out a blue oak at the same place. Once I got in the tree, I found more stuff that needed doing (of course). Found more mistletoe and crossed limbs... I figured I had a day to complete the job and I could most likely pull it off even with some extra work... HA! Foiled again! I had Rod touching up the Catalpas with the pole saw and pulling any hangers he could reach in the oak as I worked it.
Well, needless to say a screw came loose... I am 1/2 way through the tree, crown cleaned of mistletoe that I found once I got up there. Side over the drive way all dead wooded and large amounts of layered limbs gone. Tons of climbing down vertical limbs to get to stuff. Ahhhhh for a bucket truck. SO now I am on the side I really need the pole saw to get at stuff that is just out far enough to cause me grief. Saved that side as we had to lower stuff over the green belt under it and the walk way that is planted on both sides and nicely raked. Pole saw comes up missing a bolt on the blade. Funny how you should have more in the tool box, and low and behold, none to be found today.
I rapped out, apologized and will be back next week to complete the other half. At least no car bashers over the driveway.
Sold her more work though
This damn oak was a mess! 70 foot high with about a 50 foot spread. I don't think it has ever been touched prior. Save for low limbs being removed in the past.
And I don't know why it posted two of the catalpa.

Got paid for 1/2 days work and gonna chill out before unloading chips.
Hey Stig... when ya all done with that there....

Seriously tough job. Good to have the steady income from it though.